Pathway 1 2025 is open

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International partnerships

OverviewOur strategySector Stakeholder GroupsInternational partnershipsNews
Taith is a Welsh Government funded programme enabling people in Wales to learn, study and volunteer all over the world, while allowing organisations in Wales to invite international partners and learners to do the same here in Wales.   


Collaborative approach

Reciprocity is encouraged and the principles of reciprocity and shared learning are central to Taith.  We therefore have additional funding of up to 30% available, which applying Welsh organisations can request, to fund international partner activity.  

International institutions and organisations with established Welsh partners who are interested in supporting exchanges should get in touch with their Welsh partners to discuss whether they plan to send students overseas through Taith and to explore what opportunities there are for reciprocal exchange agreements. 

For international institutions and organisation who wish to create partnerships in Wales please consider completing the form below to register your interest. 

We will then keep your details on a database to share with Welsh organisations looking for a suitable partner.  Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee the formation of a partnership. 

Most countries are eligible to receive Welsh participants, subject to UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) travel advice. Where learners or staff go will be based on where Welsh institutions and organisations organise their opportunities and there are no priority countries or academic subjects. 

Register your interest

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