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Taith Champions Funding Call 2023


During the initial development of the Taith programme, it was recognised that not all organisations working with young people, learners and staff have the same experience and capacity to engage with the opportunities offered by international exchanges. The pilot year of the Sector Organising Body in 2022-2023 funded a small number of organisations that worked to build capacity within their sector, to promote Taith and to facilitate the successful establishment and delivery of projects. This helped to identify what kind of future support and engagement requirements organisations across the relevant sectors had. With this experience, feedback from stakeholders across the sectors, and data from the applications (successful and unsuccessful) to date, Taith is launching Taith Champions –a second funding call for applications for organisations to support the Programme’s delivery in the School, Youth and Adult Education sectors.

Who can apply?

Taith is inviting applications from eligible organisations with Wales-wide reach/networks and demonstrable experience in engaging with and supporting the relevant sector, to help the Taith Programme Executive to achieve the programme’s core principles of inclusivity and accessibility. Funding is available for organisations in the following sectors:

  • Schools
  • Youth
  • Adult Education

What are the aims of this funding call?

This 12-month Taith Champions funding call will focus on two main areas: ‘Outreach’ to identify organisations working with the most disadvantaged and hard to reach, those from underrepresented groups and those with disabilities and/or Additional Learning Needs, and ‘Support’ for organisations with little or no experience of international exchange.

The key principles that underpin the new Taith Champions model are:

  • A focus on accessibility and inclusion, aligning with Taith’s strategic priorities and with the First Minister’s vision of the programme.
  • Targeted outreach and support for organisations working with hard-to-reach participants, those from disadvantaged backgrounds, from ethnic minority backgrounds and those with disabilities and/or Additional Learning Needs (ALN).
  • A focus on organisations with little or no experience and with less resource available.

What we’ll be funding?

Taith Champions will receive £60,000 to fund activities for 12 months. Projects will start on 01 September 2023 and end on 31 August 2024, with a possible extension of an additional 6 months.

Some of the activities that can be funded under the Taith Champions model include:

  • Targeted outreach to organisations working with participants from disadvantaged backgrounds, ethnic minorities and those with disabilities and/or ALN;
  • Tailored support for organisations to develop project ideas, and plan the project lifecycle;
  • Tailored support for organisations to complete applications;
  • Mentoring of individuals within target organisations to support their knowledge, skills and understanding of international exchange, Taith and the opportunities available;
  • Group and individual support on how to write a good application;
  • Practical support, advice and guidance on the logistical or administrative requirements of implementing and managing an international exchange project.

You can find further information in the Funding Call Guidance below.


Opening of Taith Champions funding call: 26 May 2023

Deadline for submission of applications: Tuesday 30th May, 12pm

Assessment process: June-July 2023

Notification of outcomes: July 2023

Project start date: 1 September 2023

Project end date: 31 August 2024

How to apply

The below guidance and application contain all the information you need to guide you through the application process.

An application form is to be completed and submitted to by 12pm on Tuesday 30 May 2023.

Applicants will be asked to complete eligibility checks once the application is submitted.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in July 2023. Taith Champions activities are expected to begin 01 September 2023.  

If you have any specific queries, please contact us at

Funding Call for Taith Champions 2023 – Application Form

Application form

Funding Call for Taith Champions 2023 – Guidance

Funding call guidance

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