Taith is excited to announce that our Pathway 2 (2022) funding call has now officially launched.
Taith Pathway 2 (2022): Partnership and Strategic, aims to build partnership and strategic collaboration through international collaborative projects and develop quality outputs addressing educational challenges and opportunities across Wales and internationally.
Open to the Further Education, Vocational Education and Training, Adult Education, Schools and Youth sectors in Wales, we will fund projects between eligible organisations and their international partners who wish to work together and share their expertise and best practice towards a strategic goal.
At the end of the project, the partnership or consortia will have produced a resource, tool or other practical output that addresses an issue or drives forward good practice in the Welsh education, training and youth sectors.
Start by identifying potential partners and consider what your project wants to address. These projects must have a strategic focus and have a clear plan to achieve specific outcomes.
The Funding pages on our website contain a bank of useful information which will guide you through the application process. We are also holding a number of online events to offer support and guidance to anybody who is either thinking of, or already in the process of getting involved.
Pathway 2 (2022) launched on 5th October 2022. The deadline to submit an application is 12pm (noon) on 1st December 2022. The Taith team will support the sectors with Webinars and Q and A sessions during this period. You can also contact us anytime: enquiries@taith.wales
These projects will create innovative and exciting outputs providing long-lasting and far-reaching benefits for participating Welsh organisations, their international partners and the wider Welsh education, training and youth sectors:
For further information on Pathway 2 (2022) contact the Taith team on enquiries@taith.wales
Latest news from the programme.