Taith is an international learning exchange programme established to create life-changing opportunities for people in Wales to learn, study and volunteer all over the world.
We embed an international approach into every level of our education system. Taith is for people in every part of Wales, and in every type of education setting. The sectors eligible for funding are:
- Schools
- Youth
- Adult Education
- Further Education and Vocational Education and Training
- Higher Education (covering Education and Research)
Taith is the data controller for the programme with Cardiff University and contracted third parties including Wavehill, being the data processor where appropriate.
Our privacy notice
To help you understand how your personal data is being processed Taith has set out in its data protection notice what information it holds, why it is required, the legal basis for processing and who that data may be passed to. You can also find out how your information is secured and how long it will be retained. Our notices:
Privacy policy
Mailing list
When you sign up to our mailing list, the category of personal data that we will be using for this service is:
- Email address
Register of interest – International partners
When you register your interest as an international partner on behalf of your organisation, the categories of personal data that we will be using for this service are:
- Name
- Name of organisation
- Country
- Sector
- Project theme(s) of interest
- Type of organisation that you are interested in partnering with
- Contact email address
Register of interest – Events
When you register for our events, the categories of personal data that we will be using for this service are:
- Name
One-to-one support request form
When you complete a form to request one-to-one support, the categories of personal data that we will be using for this service are:
- Name
Contact us form
When you complete a form through our website to contact us, the categories of personal data that we will be using for this service are:
- Your name
- Your email
- Contact number
Funding applications/funded projects
When you make an application for funding on behalf of your organisation, the categories of personal data that we will be using for this service are:
- Name of the person making the application
- Email address of the person making the application
- Telephone number of the person making application
- Position of the person making the application
- Name of the legal representative for the organisation making the application
- Email address of the legal representative for the organisation making the application
- Telephone number of the legal representative for the organisation making the application
- Position of the legal representative for the organisation making the application
- Name of the Chief Financial Officer or equivalent for the organisation making the application
- Email address of the Chief Financial Officer or equivalent for the organisation making the application
- Telephone number of the Chief Financial Officer or equivalent for the organisation making the application
- Position of the Chief Financial Officer or equivalent for the organisation making the application
- Name, email address and position of any additional application contacts
Grant assessor applications
When you make an application to be a grants assessor, the categories of personal data that we will be using for this service are:
- Name
- Email address
- Telephone number
- Contact address
- Bank details (successful applicants only)
Outward participants of funded projects
We collect the following compulsory pieces of information for all outward participants who take part in our exchange activities.
- School/college/funded organisation name
We also request optional information about:
- Photographs and films consent – during events we may take and publish photographs and films to be used for marketing purposes such as on our website, in our newsletter or within social media accounts
- Whether a participant/parent/guardian would like to receive marketing communication from Taith about other relevant activities
- Whether in receipt of free school meals1
- Asylum seeker status1
- Whether the participant has experience of being in the care system1 disadvantaged criteria
- Disability1
- Additional Learning Needs1
- Ethnicity1
- Whether a participant is considered disadvantaged2
- Course of study3
- Welsh speaker1
Inward participants of funded projects
We collect the following compulsory pieces of information for all inward participants who take part in our exchange activities.
- Course of study3
- Country travelling from
- Disability
Participants completing feedback surveys and tools
We collect the following pieces of information for participants completing feedback surveys and tools.
- Organisation participated with
- Course of study3
- Age
- Type of participant (learner, volunteer or staff member)
- Date of travel
1 Disability, Additional Learning Needs, Welsh Language and ethnicity information will be used in an anonymous form to report against our funded targets and for research connected to the programme. Disability, Additional Learning Needs may be requested for additional funding claims.
2 Where participants are claiming additional funding information may be requested to process the funding;
Disadvantaged participants are defined as and therefore data may be collected relating to the below criteria.
- Total household income below £26,225k
- Participant receiving Universal Credit or income-related benefits in their own name
- Participants who are care-experienced, currently in care, or from a looked-after background
- Participants who have caring responsibilities for a disabled child, or an adult who, due to mental health problems or addiction, cannot cope without their own support
- Asylum Seekers or Refugees
- Participants who are estranged from parents
- Eligible for means tested free school meals
We collect data on individuals for the following main reasons:
- To be able to communicate with applicants regarding their application.
- To process applications.
- To establish suitability for funding.
- To communicate with and support funded projects.
- For the purposes of monitoring which allows us to:
- fulfil compulsory external reporting requirements to regulatory bodies such as the Welsh Government, as required to comply with the Taith Grant Funding Terms and Conditions
- provide a clear picture of the activities we deliver and the people we work with
- ensure that we are reaching those that could benefit most from Taith activities.
- For the purposes of research and evaluation which helps us to assess the effectiveness of different initiatives on widening participation to higher education. This includes the long-term tracking of participants’ education and/or professional and personal development journeys, to identify how many Taith participants go on to study on an exchange programme.
- Identify participants who belong to groups, which are under-represented in education. For further information on this please see the Taith website
- To send relevant and necessary information regarding forthcoming activities as well as marketing communications.
The legal basis for processing applications to participate in the Exchange Programme and to receive grant funding is Performance of a Contract.
Encouraging wider participation in education in Wales and promoting Wales and Welsh Culture is a key component of the Welsh Government’s education policy and is represented in the University’s civic mission. Taith processes personal data as it is necessary for it to perform a task in the public interest and for its official functions.
The legal basis for processing special category data is on the basis that it is in the substantial public interest and is necessary for statistical purposes to monitor equality of opportunity in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
The legal basis for processing the use of photographs and marketing communications is Consent.
- Taith will use information collected to provide you with information about Taith and to send you marketing materials about available opportunities where you have opted in to receive such communications.
- The Taith Team may use this information to create a database of expressions of interest to receive grant funding and to participate in exchange programmes, which will be stored on a secure university server. Access to this information is restricted to Taith and Cardiff University members of staff and third parties contracted to deliver activities.
- The participant information is visually checked and transferred from the online forms into the secure online database.
- For the purposes of monitoring and research, compulsory data may be processed by a third party under contract to the University or ILEP Ltd, including Wavehill, HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and UCAS to enable long-term tracking of participants’ educational journey into Higher Education and an understanding of the performance of the programme.
- All internal and external reporting which utilises the collected data, does so in an aggregated fashion, meaning that only totals are shown, so individuals’ data is never disclosed within a report.
We will retain participants’ data in accordance with Welsh Government requirements for a minimum of 12 years from the end of the funding period of 2028 and will destroy personal data as soon as Welsh Government instruct us to do so.
Paper records are held in secure office and electronic records on a secure online database for a period of 12 years after an event, with data reviewed annually on 31 August.
Data shared/linked with third parties for research purposes will remain within the third-party databases for the lifetime of the third parties’ projects.
Who will your personal data be shared with outside of Taith?
If you have indicated you consent to receive marketing material, personal data will also be shared with Blue Stag a marketing company, who will be supporting, the establishment of the Taith website and may send marketing communications on behalf of Taith.
Personal Data will be shared with relevant educational providers to facilitate your application to participate in an exchange programme with that educational provider.
Personal data will be collected on Jotform (form builder) software, including data within grant applications, feedback surveys, project change and management forms and other forms.
Statistical and anonymised data will also be shared with:
- Welsh Government
- ILEP Ltd Board members
- Advisory board members
- Taith champions (where permission is given)
- Members of the public through the Taith website, where relevant
Statistical data, raw survey data and personal data will be shared with relevant external suppliers for the purpose of evaluation. The current supplier is Wavehill. All data provided to Wavehill will be held securely on their internal systems and used solely for the purposes of the evaluation of the Taith programme. Wavehill will store this data until six months after the end of the evaluation period which is projected to be in 2027.
Personal data (name, email address,) is held by Bluestag.co.uk, Mailchimp will process and hold data within the EU and Google may transfer your data outside of the EEA. Organisations, including Bluestag.co.uk, processing personal data on behalf of the programme are bound by a Data Processing Agreement which will outline their obligation to process personal data in accordance with all Data Protection legislation.
Personal data relating to applications and funded projects is held by Jotforms.com. Jotforms will process and hold data within the EU and Jotforms may transfer your data outside of the EEA. Organisations, including Jotforms, processing personal data on behalf of the programme are bound by a Data Processing Agreement which will outline their obligation to process personal data in accordance with all Data Protection legislation.
Wavehill will conduct analysis of participant survey data on their internal systems and will not transfer this data outside of the EU.
Under the GDPR you have rights relating to your personal data which could include: to object to the processing of your personal information, to access, to rectify, to erase, to restrict and to port your personal information. For further information please refer to https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/public-information/policies-and-procedures/data-protection/your-data-protection-rights
Please contact enquiries@taith.wales to make the request.
Data protection legislation requires Taith to keep your information secure. This means that your confidentiality will be respected, and all appropriate measures will be taken to prevent unauthorised access and disclosure. Only members of staff who need access to relevant parts of your information will be authorised to do so. All personal data which is stored electronically will be subject to password and/or other security restrictions, while paper files will be stored in secure areas with controlled access.
Some processing of data may be undertaken on the behalf of Taith by an organisation contracted for that purpose. Organisations processing personal data on behalf of the programme will be bound by a Data Processing Agreement which will outline their obligation to process personal data in accordance with all Data Protection legislation.
If you are unhappy with the way in which your personal data has been processed you may in the first instance contact:
ILEP Ltd Data Protection Officer
Cardiff University
Main Building
Cathays Park
CF10 3AT
Email: enquiries@taith.walesIf you remain dissatisfied, then you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane