Get in touch

Michelle Stewart


Michelle Stewart is the Immediate Past President of the European Association for International Education (EAIE). She has been involved in higher education for over thirty years. She worked at the Universities of Strathclyde (1993 – 2024) and Stirling (2014 – 2016). After graduating in Public Administration she spent four years in Spain where she developed executive education courses. When she returned to Scotland she was an adviser to the Lord Provost, Glasgow City Council. Having worked in internationalisation for several years, Michelle has a strong commitment to partnership development and student mobility. Michelle recently joined DUOLINGO English Test Advisory Group. Previously she has served on external boards including: Operating Board Education UK Partnership; Chair, Scottish Universities International Group (SUIG); and Chair, BUTEX (British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association). She has an extensive network of colleagues across the UK and overseas.

[Photo by: Daniel Vegel]