In her role, Rebecca engages with the schools sector and supports it with all aspects of the Taith programme, raising awareness of the opportunities across the sector in Wales and providing advice and guidance to applicants and beneficiaries.
Having worked on Erasmus+ for many years I have seen the positive impact that international work has on participants. I’m excited to have joined Taith and to be a part of providing support and guidance to applicants and beneficiaries from Schools all over Wales so that as many participants as possible can benefit from the programme.
Chloe’s role is to develop and maintain Taith’s data collection and analysis systems for project monitoring and reporting purposes.
I’m excited to be a part of the Taith team as I have seen first-hand the difference international exchange can make to someone. Being able to work in a team to help make this possible for people from different walks of life in Wales is an absolute pleasure.
Claire’s role is to support Taith through the development and implementation of a marketing and communications strategy which promotes the programme to individuals and organisations across Wales and beyond, raising awareness and encouraging engagement from our target audience.
She is responsible for establishing and developing a social media presence, delivering engaging and impactful marketing campaigns, and managing the programme’s website.
“I’m thrilled to be able to showcase the amazing projects Taith is able to fund and the positive impact the programme is having on learners in Wales. Sharing the stories of our grant recipients and how participating in an international exchange can be a truly life-changing experience, especially for some people who might never have been given this sort of opportunity before, is one of the great aspects of being a part of this Taith team.”
Helen leads the financial administration and the preparation of financial reports, monitoring budgets and account reconciliation for the Taith Programme.
I am excited to be playing a small part within the team in creating life changing opportunities through the Taith programme. I bring 30 years of financial experience within different industries (Lloyds Bank and the BBC) including being involved with the external reporting for a flagship BBC World Service grant project W2020 (£289m) over four years with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office/ Department of International Development focusing on digital, video and mobile changes for regional languages across the world.
Delyth provides an administrative service to the team by engaging and completing a range of routine tasks to meet operational and programme requirements.
It’s wonderful to be part of the team at Taith, supporting cross-cultural experiences for people of all kinds of backgrounds from across Wales. I know from my own experience of living in Italy that these experiences are truly life changing and it’s a great to support this work.
As a Grant Officer, Matthew helps the Taith team to manage grants, gives advice and guidance to programme applicants and participants, and supports the day to day operation of projects.
asd@asd.comHaving previously worked on Erasmus+ I have heard so many inspirational stories on the impact international mobility has had on participants. I’m grateful to be part of the Taith team working on such an exiting programme that will provide so many opportunities to the learners of Wales.
Leah monitors, supports and plans board, resources and capacity. Leah is involved in most of the portfolios including resource management systems, IT systems, processes and programming for the programme.
I think Taith has the potential to open up opportunities for so many people across Wales and the world. I’m excited to find out more about the organisations and projects that can offer these and how we can help them to do this. We have a really dedicated and passionate team who I love working with. I have a lot of experience managing grant programmes in the voluntary and youth sectors in Wales, both national and international as well as a background in IT systems content development.
In her role, Bethan engages with the adult education sector and supports it with all aspects of the Taith programme, raising awareness of the opportunities across the sector in Wales and providing advice and guidance to applicants and grant recipients. Bethan is also responsible for managing and developing Taith’s social media presence, including creating engaging content to be shared across all platforms.
The Taith programme is hugely beneficial to Wales and it is exciting to know that I will be part of a team who are helping provide international travel opportunities to people from all different backgrounds. It is also nice to be working with a group of people who are passionate about providing these opportunities.
Ellie heads up the Programmes Team, overseeing stakeholder engagement, outreach and support of applicant and grant recipient organisations, and the development of policy.
I am really lucky to have had the chance to travel and work abroad in a number of different countries. These experiences have had a hugely positive impact on my life and career and I’m really excited to work on a programme which enables others to have these opportunities. I have a background in widening access, and have seen the huge impact that international experiences can have on the lives of young people. I’m therefore particularly keen to make sure the Taith programme is accessible and inclusive, and provides opportunities for those with the greatest barriers, who may not otherwise have the chance to travel and learn abroad.
Elid is responsible for the day- to- day administration and funding operations of the Taith Programme. Elid oversees the development and delivery of the platform of systems, processes and procedures to support Taith.
It’s a Programme which has a wealth of life changing opportunities and possibilities for so many people. To be part of a ‘first of its kind Programme for Wales’ is very exciting and rewarding.
As grants assistant, Luke provides administrative support to the grants and finance team and liaises with participants about the Taith funding streams.
Having spent most of my professional life working with the charity/third sector, I fully appreciate the importance of building constructive and lasting relationships, between grant funder and recipients.
I’ve also seen first-hand how valuable travel can be, for building self-confidence and broadening your horizons – and I’m excited to support Taith, as they reduce barriers to travel and make learning exchanges as far-reaching and inclusive as possible.
Susana has overall responsibility for the strategy, performance, and successful delivery of the Taith Programme. Susana works with senior staff from Welsh Government and the Programme’s target sectors to promote the interests and values of Taith across Wales and internationally.
I was really excited to join Taith in February 2022 and to lead such a brilliant team and such a unique and ground-breaking programme for Wales. Taith aims to create life-changing, wide-ranging and far-reaching mobility and exchange opportunities for people across Wales, across all sectors. International education and exchanges, and cross-cultural understanding are areas that I am truly passionate about, not just as someone who benefitted from such experiences as a young person, but also as these are the areas of work which I have dedicated the entirety of my professional life to. I am very proud and privileged to be part of a programme which is designed for Wales, with Wales and by Wales, and of what Taith so ambitiously and boldly aims to achieve. I look forward to witnessing the benefits that Taith will provide to its participants, both those going from Wales to the world as well as from the world into Wales, and to hearing all about their unique “journey” with Taith!
Siôn engages with stakeholders from Further Education, Vocational Education and Training, and the Youth sectors to raise awareness of Taith, as well as offering support to applicants and beneficiaries through each stage of their project lifecycle.
Taith is a wonderful opportunity for learners and education practitioners in Wales to increase their international dimension. Having participated in and worked on other international education programmes in the past, I know how life-changing these experiences can be, and I’m excited to see the benefits that Taith will bring to Wales and the wider world.
In my role as Grants Officer, I will be supporting the Taith team in the grants management cycle, providing advice and guidance to programme applicants and participants, and supporting the day-to-day operation of projects.
I have 14 years of experience in Further Education, where I worked to support those who may not have otherwise been able to access the learning opportunities that they had. I am so happy to be able to apply my knowledge, experience and passion to now work with the Taith team to help successful applicants take part in such an innovative and exciting programme.
Walter leads on programme engagement across the further education, vocational education training and adult education sectors.
I’m excited about contributing to develop a groundbreaking programme that offers so many benefits to Wales on so many levels. Experiencing other countries and cultures transformed my own life, and I relish the idea that we are providing those life-changing opportunities to a wide range of sectors, communities and individuals in Wales.
Michele looks at the processes and procedures for Taith, and assists with financial administration and the preparation of financial reports, monitoring budgets and account reconciliation for the Programme.
It is exciting to be part of a new venture and contribute to the Taith programme. I bring 30 years of finance experience mainly in the private sector but have a few years behind me in the public sector. My last position was as the Accounts and Finance Officer for a new start-up company. I’m sure Taith will be equally as challenging and I look forward to working with the team.