4. Pathway 1 Grant Rates and Eligible Costs

4.1. Travel, Subsistence and Organisational Support
All participants (inward and outward) undertaking physical mobilities are eligible for a grant for travel and subsistence.
Grant Recipients will also receive a standard amount per participant for organisational support.
Travel, subsistence and organisational support grants are fixed amounts known as unit costs and are calculated based on distance travelled, duration of mobility and number of participants.
4.1.1 Travel
The travel grant is a contribution to the direct cost of travel for mobilities. Participants will receive a fixed amount depending on the distance travelled between Wales and the international partner country.
Distance | Travel grant per participant (£) |
10 – 99km | 20 |
100 – 499km | 150 |
500 to 1,999km | 230 |
2,000 to 2,999km | 300 |
3,000 to 3,999km | 450 |
4,000 to 7,999km | 700 |
8,000 to 12,000km | 1200 |
12,000km+ | 1400 |
4.1.2 Subsistence
This is a grant for living expenses, which can include accommodation, food and local transport, whilst on a physical mobility. Funding is calculated as a daily rate per participant. Destination countries are classified into three country groups based on their cost of living. A list of countries and the different groups can be found in Annex 1 of the Programme Guide.
For the duration of the mobility, participants will receive the relevant subsistence amount (calculated as a day rate), depending on the total mobility duration and destination country.
The daily rate will reduce the longer the mobility, with different rates applicable for the first 2 weeks, 2 – 8 weeks and over 8 weeks. A week is 7 days and a month is 28 days. Participants will not receive subsistence funding for virtual mobilities.
Learners | |
Daily rate per participant for country group 1 / 2 / 3 | |
First 2 weeks | 75 / 65 / 55 |
Staff and Accompanying Persons | |
Daily rate per participant for country group 1 / 2 / 3 | |
First 2 weeks | 85 / 75 / 65 |
4.1.3 Organisational Support
Grant Recipients will receive an Organisational Support Grant for each participant in the project. Organisational Support is a contribution to any cost incurred by the organisation(s) in relation to activities in support of the physical or virtual mobility of learners and staff, both outward and inward. Organisational support is calculated based on the number of outward and inward participants per project. Rates start at £500 per participant for the first 10 participants and reduce as participant numbers increase. Organisational support for virtual mobilities is capped at 20 participants.
Organisational Support funding can be given directly to the participant (or used on their behalf) to contribute to their participation in cultural activities, for spending money, for visas/passports (where these are not covered through inclusion costs) etc. Grant Recipients can also use this funding in the administration of the project, including staff costs, overheads etc.
Organisations are eligible to receive an additional £25 Organisational Support funding per participant from an underrepresented group. This is claimed at the final reporting stage for each underrepresented participant reported.
No. of Participants | Rate per participant (£) |
0 – 10 | 500 |
4.2. Course/Training Costs
Costs covering fees for courses and training in association with Professional Development mobilities for staff only.
Up to a maximum of £40 per participant per day and maximum £400 per same participant per Project/Grant Agreement
4.3. Virtual Group Exchanges: Development Costs
A contribution towards the cost of developing and/or delivering high-quality virtual exchanges for learners.
Up to £1,200 per project/Grant Agreement.
4.4. Inclusion support
Additional funding is available to support participants facing financial barriers to participation. There are two types of inclusion support available – for Disabled people and those with additional learning needs (ALN), and for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This funding is based on actual costs, intended to cover the full cost relating to removing the barrier to participation. As such, it is expected that Grant Recipients source options which offer the best value for money.
Funding will be held centrally by Taith and administered once participants are identified. Grant Recipients will be required to apply for funding via the completion of a request form detailing the actual costs per participant and justification.
Disadvantaged participants (FE & VET sector criteria)
Participants who meet one or more of the following criteria will be classified as disadvantaged and will be eligible for additional funding for travel related costs to support their involvement in a physical mobility.
- Learners and staff with an annual household income of £26,225 or less.
- Learners and staff receiving Universal Credit or income-related benefits in their own name.
- Learners who are eligible for means tested free school meals.
- Learners who are care experienced. This refers to anyone who has been or is currently in care or from a looked after background at any stage of their life, no matter how short, including adopted children who were previously looked after or those who access the Care Experienced Bursary in other parts of the UK.
- Learners and staff who have caring responsibilities for a disabled child, or an adult who, due to illness, disability, mental health problems or addiction, cannot cope
- Learners and staff who are Refugees and asylum seekers.
Travel related exceptional cost include costs of visas, passports, vaccinations, COVID-19 test(s), health insurance, appropriate clothing and luggage, as necessary. Applies to costs covering travel from/to remote area also.
Disabled people and people with additional learning needs
Additional funding is available for Disabled participants and those with additional learning needs of up to 100% of actual costs for support directly related to their additional needs.
This may include aspects such as: preparatory visits to carry out risk assessments and ensure the placement has the necessary access and support in place; to fund additional staff members to support participants; and/or to pay for equipment/adjustments/resources necessary for participation. Further detail around preparatory visits can be found in the eligible activities section of this Pathway 1 guide.
4.5. Additional Eligible Costs
Once successful and in the process of planning projects, Grant Recipients can apply for additional funding for the following:
4.5.1 Travel to a UK transport hub
A contribution to the cost of travel to a UK transport hub as part of an international mobility. A UK transport hub is defined by Taith as a departure point from which the mobility departs to its international destination. For example an airport, train station, port or bus station.
Funding is available for group mobilities and for individual mobilities for participants from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Group Mobilities: £500 per mobility, up to a maximum of £1500 per project, based on actual costs.
Individual Mobilities: Participants from disadvantaged backgrounds are eligible for up to £100 per participant per mobility, based on actual costs, and for individual mobilities for participants from disadvantaged backgrounds.
4.5.2 Green travel costs
In recognition of the potentially higher costs, participants that utilise green travel options for the entirety of the journey (to and from the destination) can apply for actual costs for their travel (where costs are higher than the allocated travel rate). Evidence of best value for money will be required as part of this additional funding request.
Green travel costs are available for distances between 100km and 3999km.