This document relates specifically to the Taith Pathway 1 (2024) funding call for the Higher Education sector. General information on the Taith programme, including Taith’s aims and objectives, assessment process and project management can be found in the Programme Guide. Applicants should read through the Programme Guide in addition to the Pathway specific information that is included in this document before completing an application.
1. Taith Pathway 1

1.1. An introduction to Taith Pathway 1
An international exchange is the exchange of learning between an individual or group of people from Wales, and an individual or group of people from another country. This exchange enables participants to learn from each other, to share experiences and to build friendships.
Pathway 1 supports international exchange of learning through the outward (participants going from Wales) and inward (participants coming to Wales) mobility of either groups or individual participants.
Funding is available for learners, young people and staff to undertake international exchanges, both short and long term, which provide opportunities to share learning, experience different cultures and develop new skills.
Taith is committed to making international exchange more inclusive and accessible. Our refreshed strategy focuses on supporting people previously underrepresented in international exchange to access opportunities. This includes people from disadvantaged backgrounds, ethnic minority backgrounds, Disabled people and people with additional learning needs.
Applicant organisations must demonstrate that they will provide opportunities to those who would be unlikely to experience an international mobility without Taith funding. In order for Pathway 1 exchanges to provide the greatest impact, at least 25% of learners or young people participating in a project must be from underrepresented groups. Staff only mobilities are possible, but must have clear and demonstrable impact on the learners or young people they work with, in particular those from Underrepresented groups.
Taith funding supports individuals with barriers to participation in an international exchange. The Taith grant model includes additional financial support to remove the majority of financial barriers for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, Disabled people and people with additional learning needs. Please see Annex 1 of this Pathway Guide for further information.
Taith also offers additional support for organisations working with the most disadvantaged, those from ethnic minority backgrounds and Disabled people and/or those with Additional Learning Needs through our Taith Champions. Further information can be found here.
1.2. Inward mobilities (Reciprocity)
Two way exchanges and shared learning are a key part of Pathway 1 with funding available for international learners and staff to travel to Wales to learn, work and volunteer.
Based on the amount of funding requested for outward mobilities, organisations can apply for up to an additional 30% to fund inward mobilities to Wales. Participants on inward mobilities must be based in Wales for the duration of the mobility.
1.3. Eligible Sectors
Pathway 1 is open to all Taith sectors:
- Schools
- Youth
- Adult Education
- Further Education (FE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Higher Education (HE)
1.4. Sustainability
Taith funds the travel costs of thousands of international mobilities, the majority of which are flights, resulting in a significant carbon footprint. The life-changing benefits of physical international exchange are well documented, but it is also important that the programme contributes (where feasible) to mitigating the environmental impact of international travel.
Taith is a global programme, providing the opportunity for individuals to learn, work and volunteer in countries across the world. In order to ensure the programme is as sustainable as possible, applying organisations will be required to detail their rationale for the destination(s) to which they are applying, providing clear explanation as to why that country/ies is the best option for the participants. Assessors will consider this as part of the assessment process, in particular those destinations which will create a bigger carbon footprint.
Green travel (train, bus/coach, car share) is encouraged where possible. In recognition of the potentially higher costs, projects which utilise green travel options for the entirety of the journey (to and from the destination) can apply post-application for actual costs for their travel (where costs are higher than the allocated travel rate). Evidence of best value for money would be required as part of this additional funding request.
It is possible for participants to undertake more than one Taith mobility. However, it is not permitted for Learner participants to travel to the same destination more than once in a single project. Staff participants can travel to the same destination more than once to attend a preparatory visit and/or as an accompanying person in addition to participating in one eligible staff activity.