Pathway 1 2025 is open

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Taith Pathway 1 Mobility of Participants 2024

Schools Version 1.0, January 2024

5. Applying for Pathway 1

Plant sy’n eistedd wrth ddesg ystafell ddosbarth. Mae'r rhan fwyaf yn gwisgo siwmper las a het. Mae merch ifanc mewn crys du yn eistedd wrth ochr un o'r bechgyn.

5.1. Deadline

The deadline to submit an application to the 2024 Pathway 1 funding call is 20th March 2024 at 12.00pm GMT. Applications received after this deadline will not be assessed.

5.2. Before you apply

Before beginning an application, it is recommended that applicants:

  • Read the Programme Guide.
  • Check to make sure your organisation is eligible.
  • Read through this Pathway 1 guide thoroughly, in particular the sector specific information on eligible activities, durations, participants and costs.
  • Verify your organisation has sufficient financial and operational capacity.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Pathway 1 assessment criteria – in section 5.4.
  • Attend the guidance and support events on completing an application and read through the Pathway 1 resources on the website.

5.3. Completing an application

Inclusivity and accessibility are a strategic focus for Taith and the programme is looking to fund as many and as wide a range of organisations as possible. As such, no organisation will be able to apply for more than 40% of the published indicative sector budget.

To apply for Taith Pathway 1 funding, applying organisations must use the Pathway 1 application form accessed via the Taith website.  Within the application form there is a grant calculator.

The application form asks for narrative responses on a range of questions including a project overview, details about planned project activities, project and financial management, and alignment to Taith’s  purpose and objectives.

Alongside the application form, applying organisations will be required to complete a grant calculator, which will calculate the total grant requested based on the various activities applied for. Information on the grant rates can be found in section 4.

As part of the application process, applying organisations will need to confirm if they want to apply for funding for inward mobilities. Funding for inward mobilities is available for travel costs, subsistence and organisational support, up to a maximum of an additional 30% of the equivalent outward mobility costs. The funding available for this will then be calculated automatically through the grant calculator.

Applications will be assessed against the set assessment criteria for Pathway 1 as shown in section 5.4. It is recommended that applying organisations read through the assessment criteria thoroughly before starting the application so they are clear on what the application is asking for, and how it will be assessed. There are resources on the Taith website to support organisations with their application. These include pre-recorded information on completing the application form and grant calculator.

5.4. Pathway 1 Application Questions and Assessment Criteria

Questions / Assessment criteria for Taith Pathway 1 – Mobility of participants

Objective 1 – Ensure exchanges provide the greatest impact

Please provide a publishable summary of your project, which gives a brief, clear overview of the aims, activities, and participants, as a minimum.

What are the aims of your project and how do these align with the Taith strategy and your organisation’s priorities?

The aims of the proposed project align with those of the Taith strategy and the applying organisation’s priorities.

*This question is for Learner mobilities*

Please explain how your project will create life-changing opportunities for learners and young people, particularly those from underrepresented groups.

The application demonstrates how the project will have the greatest possible impact and will create life-changing opportunities for learners and young people, particularly for those from underrepresented groups.

*This question is for Staff only mobilities*

Taith’s purpose is to create life-changing opportunities for learners and young people across Wales, in particular those from underrepresented groups.  If learners and young people aren’t participating in the project, please explain why this is not feasible.

The applying organisation provides clear reasons for why learners and young people are not able to participate in a Taith mobility.

*This question is for Staff mobilities*

Staff activity should create immediate and lasting benefits for learners and young people.

What will be the impact on the learners from your staff mobilities?  How will you make sure the learning is shared with learners, in particular those from underrepresented groups?

Where staff are involved, the application demonstrates the impact of the activity on learners and young people, in particular those from underrepresented groups.

Please provide details on how you will target participants from underrepresented groups?  What challenges do you foresee and how will you overcome these?

The applying organisation clearly details how it will target participants from underrepresented groups, provides details on the identified challenges to engaging underrepresented groups and outlines appropriate measures to overcome these challenges.

NOTE: At least 25% of all mobility participants must be from underrepresented groups.  If you are not applying for learner mobilities and this means you are unable to meet this threshold, you will need to provide further information below.

What percentage of your participants will be from underrepresented groups?

The application has met or exceeded the required minimum of 25% of participants from underrepresented groups.

*This question is for Staff mobilities*

How many learners will benefit directly from your staff mobility?

(This could be organisation wide, or specific to a class, or targeted group of learners)

This question will not be assessed but provides data for the question below.

*This question is for Staff mobilities*

Out of these learners, how many will be from underrepresented groups?

The application has met or exceeded the required minimum of 25% of participants from underrepresented groups.

Objective 2 – Fund high quality learning exchange projects

Please detail how and why you have chosen the international partner(s) and explain why they are appropriate and relevant for the activities and outcomes of the project. Where you have not yet found an international partner(s) please outline your plans for their identification and engagement.

International partners named in the application are appropriate and relevant for the activities and outcomes of the project. Where international partners are not named in the application, the plans outlined for their identification and engagement are appropriate.


Please explain your rationale behind the choice of destination(s).

Please show that you have considered:

  • Value for money.
  • Environmental impact, e.g. carbon footprint.
  • Impact on the participant(s).
  • Relevance to the project’s aims.

Please explain your rationale behind the choice of destination(s).

Please show that you have considered:

  • Value for money.
  • Environmental impact, e.g. carbon footprint.
  • Impact on the participant(s).
  • Relevance to the project’s aims.

Please explain how you will manage the project and the grant funding for outward and inward mobilities (where applicable), including:

  • Day-to-day project management.
  • Financial management.
  • The delivery of mobilities.
  • The provision of support to participants.

Where multiple organisations are included in the application, please provide a clear explanation of the roles of each partner.

The applying organisation demonstrates they have the capacity proportionate to the scale of the proposed project to deliver and manage the project. The proposal outlines a robust approach to day-to-day project management, financial management, risk identification and management, the delivery of mobilities, and the provision of support to participants. Where multiple organisations are included, there is a clear explanation of the roles of each partner.

What do you think are the main risks to the delivery of the project and how will you manage these?

The applying organisation demonstrates they have the capacity proportionate to the scale of the proposed project to deliver and manage the project. The proposal outlines a robust approach to day-to-day project management, financial management, risk identification and management, the delivery of mobilities, and the provision of support to participants. Where multiple organisations are included, there is a clear explanation of the roles of each partner.


How will you monitor the progress of your project activities, measure the success of your project overall and ensure learning is shared?

The application clearly outlines an appropriate plan for how the project will be monitored and evaluated.

How will you ensure appropriate safeguarding/ duty of care measures are in place during outward and inward mobilities and during virtual exchanges?

The applying organisation demonstrates it has appropriate safeguarding/ duty of care measures for all its proposed activities and its plan for ensuring a supportive environment for all participants is suitable.

What specific measures will you take to ensure that your project is inclusive and accessible, in particular to those from underrepresented groups?

Please refer to:

  • Promotion of opportunities.
  • Recruitment/selection of participants.
  • Support for participants (before, during and after mobilities).

The applying organisation clearly demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, which  includes details on the:

  • Promotion of opportunities.
  • Recruitment/selection of participants.
  • Support for participants (before, during and after mobilities).

The applying organisation provides clear evidence that they have robust support mechanisms for participants in place before, during and after the mobilities.

Project Activities (these questions will be required for each chosen mobility type)

Please explain why you have chosen this particular mobility type and how does this address the needs of the participants and produce high quality learning outcomes.

The learning needs of the participants are clearly set out and the applying organisation demonstrates the chosen mobility type is appropriate.

The extent to which the proposed activities will produce high-quality learning outcomes for the participants is demonstrated.

Sustainability and Wider Impact

What will you do to mitigate the environmental impact of your project? Where green travel options aren’t possible, please include details of other sustainable practices that you will put in place.

Evidence is shown that the applying organisation is aware of their project’s environmental impact and will take steps to mitigate it.

Please explain how your project will address some, or all of, the wider impacts detailed in the Taith strategy.

These are:

  • Promoting Welsh culture, heritage and language.
  • Promoting Wales as an outward looking, collaborative and welcoming country.
  • Embedding an international approach in the education sectors across Wales.
  • Stimulating educational excellence and innovation to complement existing Welsh Government strategies.
  • Developing language learning and intercultural understanding across Wales.

The applying organisation provides details on how their project will address some, or all, of the wider impacts detailed in the Taith strategy.