
- Accompanying person
- An adult (including, but not limited to) members of staff of the applying organisation or consortium partner, who accompany learners on a mobility activity and support them to ensure they receive the maximum benefit from the activities.
- Application deadline
- The final date and time by which all application forms and calculation tools must be submitted to Taith for assessment.
- Applying organisation
- The organisation in Wales submitting an application for funding to Taith. An applying organisation may apply either individually or on behalf of a consortium, which includes other organisations involved in the project.
- Consortium
- Two or more organisations working collaboratively to develop and deliver a project. One organisation must be designated as the ‘applying organisation’, who is applying on behalf of themselves and at least one other eligible organisation.
- Disadvantaged participant
- Any participant (learner or staff) who meets one or more of the Taith criteria for 'disadvantage’ and will be eligible for additional financial support. See section 4.4 for more details.
- Double funding
- The costs for the same activity are funded twice via the use of public funds. For clarity, this is not permitted and is considered a breach of the Grant Agreement terms and conditions.
- Eligible activity
- An activity that meets the criteria set out in the Taith Programme Guide.
- Eligible costs
- The amount of grant related to the delivery of project activities.
- Eligible organisation
- An organisation that is able to apply for Taith funding.
- Formal learning
- Any learning that takes place during an organised or structured learning programme.
- Funding call
- The period of time during which applications for funding can be submitted.
- Grant
- The funding awarded by Taith to a successful applying organisation.
- Grant Agreement
- The written agreement between Taith and the Grant Recipient detailing the terms and conditions of the grant award in line with the application form which will have been independently assessed to be fundable and approved for funding by International Learning Exchange Programme Limited.
- Grant rates
- Fixed rates that are available for different eligible costs.
- Grant Recipients
- When approved for project funding, the applying organisation becomes a Grant Recipient and is responsible for signing the Grant Agreement.
- Green Travel
- Sustainable means of transport, i.e. travel that uses a low emission means of transport for the entirety of the journey. For example bus, train or car-sharing.
- Informal learning
- Learning that takes place outside of organised or structured learning programmes and no learning support is present. Sometimes referred to as experiential or incidental learning.
- Inward mobilities
- Participants from eligible organisations outside the UK, participating in Taith supported activities with organisations in Wales.
- International
- In the context of Taith, any country outside the United Kingdom.
- Learner
- An individual engaged in formal, informal or non-formal learning with an eligible organisation. Each sector has specific criteria. Eligibility criteria varies between each sector.
- Learning outcomes
- Statements of what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process (comprised of project activity, formal, non-formal or informal learning opportunity).
- Legal representative
- The person who has legal responsibility to represent an organisation and has the legal authority to enter into a legally binding contract, including, in the context of Taith, the authority to sign a Grant Agreement.
- Mobility
- A period learning overseas. A UK mobility is permitted as part of an introductory mobility – see section 3.3.1 for details.
- Month
- In calculating the amount of Taith grants, a month is equal to 28 days.
- Non-formal learning
- Learning that takes place outside of any organised or structured learning programme, but some learning support is present.
- Outward mobilities
- Participants from eligible organisations in Wales participating in Taith supported activities at receiving organisations outside the UK (or in exceptional circumstances only, outside of Wales at receiving organisations in the rest of the UK).
- Physical mobility
- Moving physically to a country other than the country of residence to participate in project activity and/or formal, non-formal or informal learning opportunity.
- Participant
- An individual undertaking physical or virtual international mobility in a Taith funded project.
- Partner organisation
- An organisation formally involved in a Taith funded project, where there is a project relationship or interaction. Can include those organisations identified as applying organisation, coordinator, receiving organisation or sending organisation, as well as others involved in the delivery of the project.
- Partnership
- A formal agreement between two or more organisations to participate in a Taith funded project and engage in joint activities and learning experiences.
- Project
- Agreed activities organised and designed to meet clear objectives and outcomes.
- Project budget
- The total sum of money allocated to agreed activities within a Taith funded project.
- Receiving organisation
- When individuals or groups participate in a physical mobility through Taith, they will be hosted by a receiving organisation. This organisation can also often be referred to as host or international partner organisation. Eligible receiving organisations are defined in section 3.2.
- Sending organisation
- Organisations registered and operating outside the UK who send participants to be hosted in Wales during a physical mobility. Eligible sending organisations are defined in section 3.2.
- Staff
- A person employed by, or working for an eligible organisation, whether on a professional or voluntary basis.
- Subsistence
- Funding available for living expenses, which can include accommodation, food and local transportation, whilst on a physical mobility.
- Underrepresented groups
- Groups who are underrepresented in international exchange – Disabled people, people with additional learning needs and people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Virtual exchanges
- Participation in wholly online project activity and/or formal, non-formal or informal learning opportunity, whereby participants engage in learning opportunities using online platforms or learning tools and in collaboration with at least one organisation in another country.