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Guidance note for an Additional Funding Desktop Audit

Inclusion Support

Where you have claimed inclusion costs for learners from disadvantaged backgrounds, learners with Additional Learning Needs or learners or staff with disabilities, these costs will be checked back to your financial records. 

Examples of acceptable evidence: Invoices; receipts; approved purchase orders 

Specific requirements for evidence / suggested additional evidence: Receipts and invoices must state the cost, supplier, date, currency and (where applicable) the VAT number. Credit card statements are not acceptable as evidence. 

The Taith team will request you to confirm what processes your organisation has in place to check that the participants for whom additional travel costs or inclusion costs are being claimed, meet the definitions of ALN, disability and disadvantaged backgrounds provided in the Pathway 1 or Pathway 2 Operational Handbooks. 

Examples of acceptable evidence: Standard operating procedure(s) for participant selection; spreadsheets maintained by the grant recipient organisation, recording of evidence   received and appropriate checks are in place to ensure the evidence meets the Taith criteria. 

Specific requirements for evidence / suggested additional evidence: For all mobilities: You should have robust arrangements to safeguard confidential and sensitive data about individual participants gathered during eligibility checks and should be able to demonstrate these on request.