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Guidance note for Pathway 1 Onsite Audit

Evidence of mobilities taking place

Obtain evidence that the mobility has taken place and that the number of participants matches the number of people for whom unit cost funding has been claimed.

Examples of acceptable evidence: For individual mobilities – signed and dated declaration, statement or attendance certificate. For group mobility – this can be a spreadsheet noting all participants with each participant signing the spreadsheet.

Specific requirements for evidence / suggested additional evidence: 

Individual mobility: Declaration / statement or certificate must be dated after last date of attendance and signed by both sending or receiving organisation and the participant (or accompanying person where appropriate), stating participants’ name, purpose of activity and start / end dates. 

Group mobilities: For group mobilities, where the participant is under 18 years a signed spreadsheet of attendance authorised by the accompanying person would suffice. 

For all mobilities, details of all partner organisations need to be provided with all correspondence. All documentation must be referenced with the Taith participant number and match the data on the reports.

If evidence is incomplete or in doubt, it should be triangulated with other information, e.g. records of purchasing travel tickets; records of paying course fees; an itinerary or programme for the visit; photographs of the event; a report or summary written after the event; social media and website content, etc.

Travel & Subsistence: Where your organisation’s staff have travelled as part of a mobility, seek evidence of their participation.

Examples of acceptable evidence: Records showing travel and subsistence expenses have been reimbursed to the employee; travel tickets or booking confirmations; diary entries

Specific requirements for evidence / suggested additional evidence: Evidence should be triangulated with other information, e.g. website or LinkedIn profiles for key people, if any of the evidence provided is incomplete or in doubt.

Participant Feedback: Review any participant feedback which is available for the mobility.

Examples of acceptable evidence: Feedback provided directly to Taith by participants; feedback collated by grant recipients from the participants

Specific requirements for evidence / suggested additional evidence: Grant recipient organisations are not obliged to collect feedback or share it with Taith but may share it if it is available and they are happy to do so.