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Guidance note for Pathway 2 Onsite Audit

Funding conditions

If additional conditions were applied to the grant funding at the award stage, the Taith Programme Executive will check that your organisation has fulfilled these conditions.

Examples of acceptable evidence: This will depend on the project – check original approved application to see what the conditions were.

Specific requirements for evidence / suggested additional evidence: The conditions should be met in full and for the whole duration of the project.

The audit will have three outcomes

Satisfactory: evidence demonstrates full compliance with the requirements of the relevant Programme Guide. 

Partially satisfactory: there is a delay in the grant recipient providing the evidence and / or some of the evidence shows non-compliance with the programme guide requirements, but the non-compliance is minor or may be the result of human error. 

Unsatisfactory: evidence is not available from the grant recipient, or the evidence provided shows non-compliance with the requirements of the relevant Programme Guide. 

The Taith Grants & Finance team will discuss next steps with you in relation to the outcome of the audit.