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Pathway 2 Programme Guide 2023

Partnerships and Strategic Collaboration Version 1.0, 5th October 2023

This document relates specifically to the Taith Pathway 2 funding call for 2023. General information on the Taith programme, including Taith’s aims and objectives, eligibility criteria, assessment process, project management and grant rates can be found in the Core Programme Guide. It is strongly advised that applicants read through the Core Programme Guide in addition to the Pathway specific information that is included in this document prior to completing an application.

1. Introduction to Pathway 2

Ffurfiant craig mawr ac o’i amgylch mae nifer o goed gwahanol. Ceir awyr las. A large rock formation with different trees surrounding it. There are blue skies.

Pathway 2 supports the sharing of knowledge, expertise and collaborative learning between  Welsh and international organisations, to develop theory and practice in education within Wales and internationally. 

This pathway will fund Welsh-led international collaborative partnerships to develop a project output which addresses a specific issue or sector priority in Wales. Project applications should clearly identify the gap, issue or sector priority the project will aim to address and explain how the planned project output will develop and expand knowledge, understanding and practices across the sector. 

These project outputs must be of high quality and  value to other organisations and the sector(s) more widely. Each Pathway 2 funding call has identified themes, ensuring that projects and their outputs are aligned with Welsh priorities and policies in the education and youth sectors, and enabling further cross-sector learning through the creation of networks of projects based on common themes. More details on the 2023 Pathway 2 themes can be found in section 3.1.

Through their participation in Pathway 2 projects, international collaboration and learning opportunities will enable staff and learners to develop their understanding, knowledge and application of a key theme or topic. By producing and disseminating an output, Pathway 2 projects will generate wider long-term benefits for participating organisations, for the applicant’s sector(s) and for Wales and the international partner country(ies). These projects will therefore contribute to furthering the aims of the Taith programme and/or make a positive impact on policy developments in sectors across Wales and internationally. 

Mobility is a key component of Pathway 2 activity, but the benefits of the mobility to individual participants is not the focus of Pathway 2 projects.  Instead, mobilities support the development and completion of the project output. Both staff and learners are eligible for international travel, provided that these mobilities make a key contribution to the development of the project. More details on eligible Pathway 2 activities and costs can be found in section 6.3. 

Pathway 2 funding is intended to support projects which would not be possible without input and expertise from international partner organisations. Applicants must articulate clearly in the application form how the international partner(s) will contribute to the development of the project in ways which organisations in Wales could not. 

 All partners (Welsh and international) must be named at the point of application.