2. Who can apply for and participate in Pathway 2
2.1. Eligible sectors
Pathway 2 funding is available to the following sectors:
- Schools
- Youth
- Further Education (FE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Adult Education
Higher Education institutions are not eligible to apply for funding but can be part of a Pathway 2 project as a non-funded partner.
Cross-sector projects
Taith understands the value of cross-sectoral working and the benefits of bringing together organisations from across different sectors to work towards a common goal. The programme therefore supports and encourages projects from organisations in different sectors working in partnership.
Details on eligible activities, costs, durations and participants for Pathway 2 projects can be found in section 6.3.
2.2. Reciprocity
The principles of reciprocity and shared learning are central to Taith. Organisations applying for funding for projects in Taith Pathway 2 can apply for funding for international partner activities. This will be calculated as a maximum of 30% of a project’s total budget.
Further details on funding for international partner activities and what the funding can be spent on can be found in the eligibility section of this document.
Funding for international partner activities will be included in the grant award to successful applying organisations in Wales, and it will be their responsibility to administer these funds to, and on behalf of, the sending organisation.