Annex 3- Additional information on Safeguarding procedures
The following areas must be considered as part of an applying organisation’s safeguarding procedures:
- Completion of risk assessments and, where appropriate, the local authority notified of the visit.
- Discussion with partner organisations to understand their safeguarding policies and procedures, and to put measures in place to ensure participants’ safety during the activity, at all times.
- Where participants are staying with host families, the safeguarding procedures supporting the process of identifying and engaging these families must be shared in writing and deemed satisfactory by the applying organisation’s safeguarding lead.
- Accompanying adults must be fully briefed on the safeguarding measures prior to the activity starting, including the procedures and referral pathway in the event of an incident.
- Where feasible and appropriate a preparatory visit should be arranged.
- Where applying organisations are planning activities which involve over 18-year-olds, from Wales, interacting with under 18-year-olds or at-risk adults from partner organisations abroad, an agreement must be reached with the partner organisation as to appropriate safeguarding measures. These measures must be shared with participants to ensure their understanding and adherence, and any requirements implemented.
Accompanying adults
- All accompanying adults (staff and otherwise) engaged in regulated activity with under 18-year-olds and at-risk adults as part of any planned activities (including virtual exchanges) must undergo an enhanced disclosure and barring service (DBS) check.
- The ratio of accompanying adults to learners must be agreed with consideration given to the age of the learners, if any learners have additional needs or require specific support, the nature of the activities, the experience of the accompanying adults, the duration of the activity and any overnight stays.
- All accompanying adults must be made aware of their roles and responsibilities prior to the commencement of activities.
- Safe recruitment procedures are in place to carefully screen applicants (staff and volunteers).
- There is appropriate support for all accompanying adults, including undertaking mandatory induction and safeguarding training.
- Accompanying adults are aware of any known health conditions the participants may have, including any medication.
- All accompanying adults have detailed information about the emergency contact details for all participants who are under 18 years old or at-risk adults.
Participants with disabilities and / or additional learning needs
- Safeguarding measures must take into account any participants under 18 years old and at-risk adults who are disabled or have additional learning needs and, where appropriate, additional measures implemented to ensure the safety and wellbeing of participants.
Information for parents/ carers/ guardians
- Information including the mobility itinerary, details of the activities that learners will be undertaking, and emergency contact numbers should be shared with parents/carers/guardians prior to the commencement of any activities.
- Information detailing how welfare concerns or instances of abuse can be reported and how these will be managed should be shared with parents/carers/guardians prior to the commencement of any activities.
- Expectations regarding behaviour of learners (code of conduct) have been communicated to parents/carers/guardians and participants, prior to the commencement of any activities.
Host families (where applicable)
Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of participants when they stay with host families. Selection and management of host families is crucial to ensuring the safety and protection of those under 18 years old and at-risk adults.
Procedures for selecting host families:
- The applying organisation must ensure that the partner organisation has a procedure in place to assess the suitability of homestays and obtain confirmation in writing. The safeguarding lead within the applying organisation must sign this procedure off as satisfactory.
- The selection of host families must include police checks (where possible), self-declaration forms (where applicable), code of conduct, house rules, home visit checks, verification of family structure and suitability of sleeping arrangements.
- Selection procedures must be communicated to parents/carers/guardians and their written agreement obtained to confirm that they are happy with the plans in place
- Families and learners should be carefully matched with consideration given to gender, diet, religious belief, and additional needs.
Accommodation during visit:
- All participants must have their own bed in a room of someone of their own gender, or a separate bedroom.
- All participants must have privacy whilst dressing, washing, and using toilet facilities.
- There must be contingency measures in place should a learner need to change accommodation away from the planned host family, for any reason.
Guidance for participants/host families:
- All participants must be provided with specific guidance on how to report risks or situations which make them feel uncomfortable, if they are worried about something that happens to them when staying with a host family, or if another participant raises concerns with them. This should include name and contact details for the Designated Safeguarding Lead, or equivalent.
- Participants and host families must be provided with the emergency contact number and have been fully briefed of the procedures should problems arise. Any report that is made must be dealt with immediately and in line with agreed procedures.
Reporting of safeguarding concerns
- The applying organisation must ensure that there is someone suitably experienced/qualified on call 24 hours a day for the duration of any overseas mobility in case of emergency.
- Any report that is made must be dealt with immediately and in line with agreed procedures.
- There is a process for recording all safeguarding incidents/allegations/concerns. This should include those that do not meet the threshold requiring the safeguarding lead to be alerted
- All safeguarding incidents must be communicated to Taith via email to
Visas and immigration
Immigration and visas to and from Wales are subject to the rules issued by the UK government. It is the responsibility of the beneficiary to manage and implement any visa/immigration-related support processes for their participants.