The International Learning Exchange Programme Ltd (“ILEP” “we” or “us”) have adopted, without modification, the Information Commissioner’s model publication scheme for wholly owned companies.
Taith is a Welsh Government funded programme delivered by International Learning Exchange Programme Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cardiff University, as the Programme Executive. As such, some of our information is in the name of Taith and/or International Learning Exchange Programme (ILEP) Ltd and some policies and procedures come under our parent organisation, Cardiff University and are therefore available through the university publication scheme.
We are committed to making the following classes of information available to the public:
Organisational information and roles and responsibilities
Taith’s role as a funding agency is to fund eligible organisations to create life-changing opportunities for people in Wales to learn, study and volunteer all over the world. More information about what we do is available on the “What we do” page within our ‘About’ section.
Board of Directors
- Details of our Board and its members are available in our ‘Who we are’ section of our website.
Senior executives
- Details of our senior executives who are responsible for making strategic and operational decisions are available in our ‘Who we are’ section of our website.
Advisory Board
- Details of our Advisory Board and its members are available in our ‘Who we are’ section of our website.
Taith team members
- Details of our team of staff who are responsible for the day-to-day delivery of the programme are available in our ‘Who we are’ section of our website.
Location and contact details
Our postal and email address are:
Units 5a and 5b
Maindy Road
CF24 4HQ
enquiries@taith.walesThese can also be found on the “Contact us” page within our ‘About’ section.
If you need to contact us in relation to a current grant that your organisation is in receipt of, please contact
Articles of association
Our Articles of Association are available on Companies House.
Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit can be found on Companies House.
Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
Our financial statements are available on Companies House.
Details of our budgets and reports are available in our financial statements.
Annual accounts
Our annual accounts are filed at Companies House and are available on the Companies House website.
Details of all our grants awarded are available in the ‘Outcomes’ section of the website.
Staff pay and grading structure
All staff are employed by Cardiff University and are included in Cardiff University’s current staff pay scale.
Staff and board members’ allowances and expenses
No board members have claimed expenses since the inception of Taith.
Expenses for senior staff members are included in Cardiff University’s publication scheme.
Capital programme
Taith currently has no major plans for capital expenditure.
Details of all our grants awarded are available in the ‘Outcomes’ section of the website.
Procurement and tender procedures and reports
Taith adheres to Cardiff University’s procurement procedures which follows public procurement policy, in line with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 We have information about supplying goods, works or services to Taith available on the Taith website.
Details of current contract opportunities with a total contract value of over £25,000 are advertised through Cardiff University on Sell2Wales, the national procurement website for Wales.
For any other information please contact
Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.
- Our Strategy outlines our hopes and ambitions.
- Our outcomes tell you what our project’s predicted outcomes are.
- Our stories tell you about our real-life projects and what they are doing.
- Our annual report will be published in our annual accounts on companies house and will detail our progress against our targets.
Please be aware that these documents may contain information that is out of date. For the most up to date information, check the relevant funding call or section on the website.
Decision making processes and records of decisions.
- Our funding decision process is detailed within the relevant funding call guides. These outline how applications are processed and the criteria they are assessed against. These can be found in our ‘Archive’ section above.
- Our funding outcomes detail who has been offered a Taith grant.
- Our Board meeting minutes are available on the “ILEP Ltd Board” page in our ‘About’
- Minutes of our Advisory Board are available on the ‘Advisory Board‘ page in out ‘About’ section.
- Minutes of the Stakeholder meetings are available on the ‘Stakeholder Groups‘ page in out ‘About’ section.
Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.
- Articles of Association
- Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement
- Board members register of interests
- Website privacy policy
- Freedom of Information Requests
- Whistleblowing policy
- Safeguarding protocol
- Significant international incident protocol
- Appeals and complaints procedure
- Records management and personal data
- Information charging policy
- Governance structure
As a wholly owned subsidiary company of Cardiff University. Taith is covered by/follows the following Cardiff University policies and procedures which can be found within Cardiff University’s publication scheme
- IT regulations, policies and guidelines
- Welsh language standards
- Procedures and policies relating to human resources
- Pay policy statement
- Procedures relating to recruitment
- Equality and Diversity policies
- Health and safety
- Estates management
- CCTV code of practice
All Taith staff are employed by Cardiff University for the sole purpose of delivering the Taith programme. For any information regarding recruiting and employing staff such as equality, recruitment, disciplinary and grievance, please see Cardiff University’s publication scheme.
Register of interests for ILEP Ltd Board members and Taith Advisory Board members
Please find below links to the latest Register of Interests for ILEP Ltd Board members and Taith Advisory Board members
Taith provides funding to create life-changing opportunities for people in Wales to learn, study and volunteer all over the world. For more details about our funding programmes, please see the relevant sector specific information on the website:
- Schools
- Youth
- Adult Education
- Further Education and Vocational Education and Training
- Higher Education
Programme guides, which offer details of the funding pathways, are tailored for each pathway and funding call and are published during open funding calls. These can be found in our ‘Archive’ section above.
For more information about ILEP and Taith, please see our website.
The classes of information will not generally include:
- Information the disclosure of which is prevented by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, or excepted from the duty to disclose under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004 or is otherwise properly considered to be protected from disclosure
- Personal information (please refer to subject access requests)
- Information in draft form
- Information that is no longer readily available as it is contained in files that have been placed in archive storage, or is difficult to access for similar reasons.
We are committed to making as much information readily available at minimum inconvenience and cost. We will only ever make charges for routinely published material where we are legally authorised, and it is justified for us, to do so. Charges will be kept to a minimum and will be in accordance with our information charging policy which is readily available to the public. If a charge is to be made, confirmation of the payment due will be given before the information is provided. Payment may be requested prior to provision of the information.
Charges may also be made for making datasets (or parts of datasets) that are relevant copyright works available for re-use. These charges will be in accordance with the terms of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015, where they apply, or with regulations made under section 11B of the Freedom of Information Act, or with other statutory powers of the public authority.
Material which is published and accessed on our website will always be provided free of charge.
Charges may be made for actual disbursements incurred such as:
- photocopying
- postage and packaging
- the costs directly incurred as a result of viewing information
Written requests Information held by a public authority that is not published under this scheme can be requested in writing, when its provision will be considered in accordance with the provisions of FOIA and/or EIR. To make a request, please contact or see our Freedom of Information Requests page.