Taith offers opportunities for learners and staff from Further Education (FE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) organisations in Wales, to learn, train, volunteer and work all over the world and participate in life changing international experiences, shown to have demonstrably positive impacts on people’s personal progression in life, their learning, and their employability prospects.

Why participate?
Offering international experiences to learners can be life changing. Taith mobilities enable participants to develop the key life skills and competencies they need to flourish, whilst boosting confidence and raising aspirations for learners.
Taith is an inclusive programme which offers additional support for participants from disadvantaged backgrounds and additional learning needs, enabling those with fewer opportunities to participate in transformational experiences. With a wide range of eligible activities for individuals and groups, funding is available to benefit learners of all types.
Taith provides FE and VET staff in Wales with the exciting opportunity to internationalise their training and professional development. Participants can utilise funding to exchange best international practice within their fields and improve education and training standards in Wales, as well as establish or develop links and collaborate with international partners to build lasting relationships. This provides staff with new ways to help meet institutional needs and address local and national priority areas, including principles of the Tertiary Education and Research Bill.
Who can apply?
Further Education (FE):
Eligible applying organisations:
- Any public organisation regulated or registered in, and operating from, Wales active in the field of further education, and which offers a range of courses at different levels within the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales, leading to accredited qualifications;
- National, regional or local co-ordinating bodies operating within Wales and overseeing the provision of further education;
- Consortium of not-for-profit organisations/providers, which comprises a single lead organisation applying on behalf of two or more further education providers, in the field of further education. All members of the consortium must be regulated or registered in, and operating from, Wales. Consortium partners must be agreed and named at the point of application and it is not permitted for the lead organisation to charge a fee to consortium partners for inclusion in the bid.
For-profit organisations and sole traders are not eligible to apply or be named as consortium partners. You should refer to the Taith eligibility guidance to confirm if your organisation satisfies the eligibility requirement that it does not operate for profit.
Eligible participants:
Staff/Accompanying persons:
- Staff involved in the delivery of FE learning and employed by the participating eligible education
- Other members of staff employed by an eligible participating FE education provide
Learner Mobilities:
FE learners engaged with learning activities and enrolled on an accredited programme at an eligible FE college.
Vocational Education and Training (VET):
Eligible applying organisations:
Any public or not-for-profit organisation regulated or registered in, and operating from, Wales, active in the field of vocational education & training, which offer a range of courses, leading to accredited qualifications, including:
- National co-ordinating bodies operating within Wales and overseeing the provision of education or training in the field of vocational education and training;
- Non-governmental not-for-profit organisations, social enterprises and other not-for-profit organisations, including but not limited to registered charities and charitable incorporated associations, community interest companies and companies limited by guarantee that do not operate for a profit and are hosting, training or otherwise working with learners and apprentices in vocational education and training;
- Consortium of not-for-profit organisations/providers, which comprises a single lead organisation applying on behalf of two or more vocational education and training providers, in the field of vocational education and training. All members of the consortium must be regulated or registered in, and operating from, Wales. Consortium partners must be agreed and named at the point of application, and it is not permitted for the lead organisation to charge a fee to consortium partners for inclusion in the bid.
For-profit organisations and sole traders are not eligible to apply or be named as consortium partners. You should refer to the Taith eligibility guidance to confirm if your organisation satisfies the eligibility requirement that it does not operate for profit.
Eligible participants:
Staff/Accompanying persons:
- Staff involved in the delivery of VET learning and employed by the participating eligible education
- Other members of staff employed by an eligible participating VET education provide
VET learners engaged with learning or training activities and enrolled at an eligible participating VET provider.
If you are interested in finding out more about Taith and our funding opportunities, please contact us and a member of the team will be in touch
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