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Taith case studies: Pathway 1 – mobilities

A case study basically tells the story of your Taith-funded mobility, sharing your experiences and highlights from the trip.

Case studies will be used on the Taith website and promoted on social media, and may also be shared by the Welsh Government, our Sector Organising Bodies, and other appropriate organisations of interest.

The purpose of a case study is for a wide audience (including those who may have no knowledge of Taith or mobilities in general), to get a real-life insight into the opportunities available through Taith funding, and to show the impact that both inward and outward mobilities can have on a wide range of individuals, groups and the wider community.

We hugely appreciate you agreeing to share your experience with us and have outlined some questions below. These are for guidance only so please feel free to share any information that you would like to. It is likely that the information you provide will be subject to editing to fit in with our house style guide and wordcount restrictions, but please be assured that no final version will be published until full approval has been agreed.

Excerpts from your case study may sometimes be taken and used as a standalone piece of promotional material for certain platforms (ie. a quote from somebody as part of a case study saying “We had the best experience ever on our Taith-funded trip to New Zealand” might be pulled out and used for social media or a flyer) but the wording/ context would remain as agreed when final approval was given as part of the overall case study.

Question ideas

  • Your name:
  • Name of organisation/ school/ university (etc):
  • Where did you go and for how long?
  • Who went on the trip?
  • Who organised the trip/ applied for Taith funding? (was it done directly by yourselves or through a consortium?)
  • Tell us about your partner organisation (who, how, why etc):
  • What was the purpose/ aims of your trip? (and why?)
  • Tell us about some of the activities you and your group took part in? (inc. some feedback on them)
  • What was the highlight of the experience and why?
  • Did you manage to achieve the aims you set out to? Has there been an impact on the individuals/ group/ organisation/ wider community as a result of your experiences?
  • Please describe how the project activities have impacted on participants, your institution, education sector or more widely:
  • How did you find the experience of applying for, and obtaining Taith funding
  • How did you first hear about Taith?
  • Would you apply for funding with us again?
  • Would you recommend other organisations to apply for Taith funding? What one piece of advice would you give them?


Photographs from your mobility are needed to accompany your case study. All images provided must be subject to photo consent permissions (ie. photo consent forms organised by a school).


If you have any questions about providing a Taith case study, please contact

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