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Taith social media

How we use social media:

We use social media to support our goals and use each channel differently to suit our audiences and the nature of the platform.

We are using our primary social media channels to:

  • convey our key messages – including reinforcing the importance of learning and inclusion – to a broad audience, building and reinforcing our reputation and brand
  • stay connected to our community and reach We want to develop and broaden the audience who engage with us
  • engage and inspire our audiences in new and interesting ways
  • tell the stories that reflect our core values, especially through the experiences of
  • protect our reputation in the event of misinformation or negative content.


Our content aims to:

  • promote our international learning exchange activity through the stories of our grant recipients
  • inspire our sectors by sharing ideas and examples of what can be achieved with Taith funding
  • share positive messages about engaging with international partner organisations
  • showcase the diverse range of people and organisations who are eligible and we are trying to reach
  • encourage and support harder-to-reach audiences from disadvantaged backgrounds, people with Disabilities and those with Additional Learning Needs
  • highlight our cross-cutting themes and our commitment to the Welsh language
  • promote funding opportunities (eg. When funding calls are open for our Pathways).



Our primary social media channels with which our audiences engage are Twitter and Instagram. We also have a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.

We encourage and welcome all beneficiaries to share their Taith-funded experiences via our primary social media channels. User generated content (any content – text, videos, images, reviews, etc – created by people, rather than brands) is the most effective and powerful way of us showcasing the impact of Taith funding.



When sharing your experiences with us via social media, please remember the following:

  • always tag us in your posts @TaithWales
  • use #Taith and #TaithStories Other hashtags (you can use multiples) might be relevant to your sector, destination or project. Examples could include: #VoluntaryWork #CurriculumForWales #AdultEducation #Wales #ClimateChange You might also link your posts to a particular awareness week or national event relevant to your sector which is a great way to maximise reach
  • Twitter can accommodate short and frequent updates. Despite the smaller character count, Twitter is a great platform for image/video-sharing
  • Instagram is a photo and video sharing app. This is a great space for sharing full video content and stories about your Taith-funded experience
  • if you are out on a mobility, we welcome you posting regularly throughout your trip highlighting what you are doing/where you are visiting
  • whilst we want to see the elements of your trip which will include experiencing new places, cultures, food, fun activities etc, please remember that underlying all of this is the learning aspect of the experience, and it is important to get this across in your social media posts
  • we aim to engage with as much user generated content as we can, but will not interact with any inappropriate posts, such as mentions of alcohol for example
  • as this content is being created by you – our grant recipients – we are not expecting highly professional or polished content. The more natural and authentic the tone the better
  • all images/video provided must be subject to appropriate consent being granted by an individual or group of individuals. All schools and the majority of learning organisations will have their own permission/consent procedures in place which you will adhere to when sharing content to your own social media channels. Taith will provide additional consent forms where required


Please use this guidance alongside our photography and video guidance and case study guidance.



If you have any questions about social media in relation to your Taith-funded mobility or project, please contact

Media templates and branding guidelines

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