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21 March/Mawrth 2023 Bridgend College

21 March/Mawrth 2023 Bridgend College

Bridgend College

Feel very blessed to have been given the opportunity to represent @BridgendCollege on the Mobility Taith funded @ColegauCymru Colleges Wales Immersive Exchange. An amazing opportunity to work with Challenges Abroad to deliver workshops in schools and support local communities.

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Bridgend College
Gwlad Tai

Teimlo'n fendigedig iawn i gael y cyfle i gynrychioli @BridgendCollege ar y Taith Symudedd a ariennir gan Gyfnewidfa Ymdrochi Colegau Cymru @ColegauCymru. Cyfle gwych i weithio gyda Heriau Dramor i gyflwyno gweithdai mewn ysgolion a chefnogi cymunedau lleol.

Rhannwch hyn! Os hoffech fwy o fanylion, Cysylltwch ag aelod o'r tîm.