Pathway 1 2025 is open

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Who can apply

Funding opportunitiesWho can apply

Taith funding opportunities are available to learning providers of all kinds.

Image/Llun: Urdd Gobaith Cymru
Image/Llun: Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Organisations in Wales

Taith is open to Welsh organisations in the following sectors:

  • schools
  • youth organisations
  • further education
  • vocational education and training
  • adult education
  • higher education

Please note: Taith  is open for applications by organisations regulated or registered in, and operating from, Wales only, unless otherwise stated in the programme guidance.

Individual participants in Wales 

Taith is aimed at supporting the international exchange of individuals or groups of learners, students, young people and staff at Welsh education providers and youth organisations. Individuals are not able to apply directly to the programme and should contact their education provider or relevant organisation in the first instance.  

Organisations and individual participants outside Wales

As an open and welcoming nation, Wales invites organisations from all over the world to seek out opportunities to collaborate through Taith. Welsh organisations applying to Taith have the option to request funding to support inward mobility of participants from eligible partner organisations throughout the world to learn, train, study and volunteer in Wales.

Organisations and individual participants outside Wales cannot apply directly to Taith. International organisations eligible to collaborate through Taith as sending organisations should contact the Welsh organisation they wish to partner with in the first instance.

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