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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs Pathway 1

Beneficiaries can make changes to their project throughout its delivery where these are needed. In addition to overarching project changes such as contact details and project durations, requests can also be made to change mobility-specific details, such as destinations and participant numbers. 

Please note, any project amendments should not change the fundamental aims and objectives, or the basis by which the project has been awarded funding in the Grant Application.   

In some cases, changes need to be approved by Taith before they can come into effect. Full details on change request rules can be found in Schedule 8 of your Grant Agreement Letter. The form and guidance can be found on the grant recipient area of the Taith website. A change request will be considered if it aligns with the approved application and still meets or builds on the project’s original aims and objectives.  

All subsistence and travel for participants, as well as organisational support is a unit cost contribution, and based on the duration of the mobility and the destination country. The unit cost will be paid in its entirety and for all participants (both outward and inward), a statement, a declaration or certificate of attendance should be signed and dated on the last day of the mobility by the sending or receiving organisation, confirming the name of the participant, the purpose of the activity and the confirmed start and end date.  

Taith will not request copies of receipts to show spend, where a unit cost contribution has been applied; each Beneficiary must check their own financial regulations as to whether receipts are required for their own audit purposes.  

Expenditure for Green Travel, Exceptional Costs and Inclusion Support will need to be approved and authorised by Taith in advance. These are actual costs, which must be supported with a valid receipt (or equivalent). Without this, no payment will be made by Taith. All authorised expenditure will require a valid receipt which must be kept for twelve years. No payment will be made for any unauthorised expenditure. 

We understand that gathering certain types for participants who require additional funding can be difficult for a number of reasons. In circumstances where necessary evidence can’t be provided or obtained, we would require organisations to provide us with details of the internal processes used to identify participants from disadvantaged backgrounds. This could either be through a wellbeing department or pastoral care team providing the necessary confirmation, but for organisations who don’t have similar specialist departments, we will require a certificate signed by Taith project lead, the participant and the parent/ carer where applicable.  


Requests for additional funding can be made to Taith for Green Travel, Exceptional Costs and Inclusion Support at least 30 days before a mobility takes place. The application form and guidance to apply for additional funding can be found on the grant recipient area of the Taith website. 

Green Travel  

For the purposes of Taith, “Green Travel” is defined as travel where a low emission means of transport rather than flying is used. For example, this is when travel is undergone by bike, train, coach or carsharing for the entire trip. Taith also considers ferries as a high emission mode of transport. 

Exceptional Costs 

Exceptional costs can be either of the below: 

  • Exceptional expensive travel is the cost covering travel from/to remote area (only for those eligible to receive a travel grant). For the purposes of Taith, a remote area is defined as an area where there is no established transport infrastructure to reach or depart from destination. Transportation infrastructure means all highways, roads, bike paths, sidewalks, airports, rail lines and docking facilities, as well as transportation and transit facilities. 
  • Covid related exceptional costs are covering Covid-related costs, specifically where status of the destination country changes during mobility, causing the participant to incur significant additional costs owing to a requirement to quarantine in a dedicated facility, comply with enhanced testing requirements or similar. Relevant insurance should be obtained for all mobilities this exceptional cost is not intended to replace covid insurance. 

Inclusion Support 

This is for participants with additional learning needs (ALN), disabilities or those from a disadvantaged background. Information on additional funding can also be found in the Programme Guide, Schedule 2 and Schedule 6 of your Grant Agreement letter.  

The definition for ALN is: As defined by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (the ALN Act), the Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales 2021 (the ALN Code)  

The definition for disability is, ‘A disabled person is defined as someone with a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ effect on their ability to do normal daily activities (Equality Act 2010)’.  

Incoming mobility participants are eligible for a Taith mobility grant, which is a contribution towards the travel and living costs of their mobility. Additional funding can also be requested for Inclusion support (ALN and disabilities only), Exceptional expensive travel and Green travel.  

Incoming mobility participants are encouraged to seek co-funding and utilise other sources of funding. 

The funding for inward mobilities is based on the total cost contribution for subsistence and travel, the number of outward participants and the percentage requested to support inward mobilities. As your inward funding is calculated as a percentage of your outward mobility grant, any reduction in your outward mobility grant will reduce your inward mobility grant accordingly.  

We understand that inward participant numbers won’t always align with the percentage of outward participant numbers selected at application stage due to differing subsistence and travel grants between receiving & sending locations. Provided that all inward participants receive their full entitlement (receiving the Group 1 subsistence rate for Wales), this is sufficient. 

Organisational Support payments are a contribution to any cost incurred by the organisation(s) in relation to activities in support of learners and staff mobility, both outward and inward.   

Eligible costs for Organisational Support include, but are not limited to, the following:  

  • Networking, social and cultural events 
  • Local cultural trips organised for mobility participants;   
  • Contribution towards insurance and visa fees;   
  • Events to promote participation in Taith;  
  • Promotional materials;   
  • Taith ambassadors’ activities;  
  • Taith project management staff cost (only where this is not already covered for in the grant award);   
  • Contribution to cover staff backfill, e.g., supply teachers;  
  • Additional passport or visa costs; 
  • Use of experts;  
  • Top-up qualifying eligible costs where unit cost contribution is insufficient i.e., travel and subsistence  

As per the Grant Agreement letter the Beneficiary is required to complete monthly and final reports and, in some cases, quarterly / interim reports. The monthly report will detail participant data and achievement to date against targets. No additional commentary is required.  

The quarterly / interim and final reports will include the consolidation of the monthly data with accompanying commentary on the projects and how they are being delivered in line with the original Grant Application. Once the reports have been reviewed, feedback will be provided along with confirmation of any further payment.  

Final reports will require additional documentation as stipulated in Schedule 4 (for beneficiaries awarded funding under Pathway 1, round 1) / Schedule 6 (for beneficiaries awarded funding under Pathway 1, round 2). The deadline for the interim (if required) and final reports are outlined in Schedule 1 which will be at the end of the month The reports are to be submitted electronically and will be available on the Taith website shortly. Any projects commencing prior to the publication of the electronic forms will need to keep a manual record of the required information. Please contact for details of the guidance and the templates.   

This principle applies to both outward and inward mobility participants where they are in receipt of funding which is defined as public funding. Public funding is defined as financial resources provided by government (including federal, state, regional or local government) or other bodies such as agencies that are financed via public funds.  

Participants can be in receipt of multiple sources of funds to support their mobility, however, if any of those are deemed as public funds and the intent is to use them to cover the same type of costs that would also be covered by Taith (such as travel, subsistence and eligible additional costs), this would be defined as double funding and must be avoided, where possible. 

In cases where the Taith grant doesn’t cover the whole actual cost in question, beneficiaries can ‘top-up’ using a different source of funding up to the actual cost, but not beyond this amount. 

Unfortunately, Taith is unable to offer advice or support to Beneficiary Organisations on any aspect of applying for visas. As a result of UK’s exit from the European Union (EU), the rules applicable to learners, and indeed all UK citizens travelling into the EU, have become more complex (with general immigration rules largely set at EU Member State level). Immigration and visas to and from Wales are subject to the rules issued by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) which must be adhered to. These are the responsibility of the beneficiary organisation to follow.  Information on entry requirements for different countries can be found on the FCDO website 

Beneficiaries will be responsible for putting in place appropriate written agreements and wider arrangements with their international partner organisations before any mobilities take place (or the collaborative project gets under way). The written agreement will need to outline the rights and obligations of the parties in relation to outward mobilities (and inward mobilities if applicable).  

Every Beneficiary and project is different, and Taith does not provide or require specific template agreements. Beneficiaries should take independent legal advice where necessary, ensuring that the arrangements are compliant with the underlying Grant Agreement in place with Taith and the relevant Programme Guides.  

Beneficiary organisations in Wales will be expected to clearly communicate the terms of any contributions to be made (for instance in the inter-institutional or partnership agreement between the applying and sending organisation) and to specify the amount of financial support allocated to the inward participant(s) but the specific execution of such documents is at your discretion. 

Full details of the type of information we collect, the rationale and legal basis for collecting this information, and how it will be processed can be found in our Privacy Policy. 

With regards to the provision of sensitive data, if this is given to you by participants then we would ask that you do provide it in your reporting tool; in instances where the information can’t be gathered from participants then this is not a compulsory part of your monthly reporting requirements. 

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