Thank you for sharing your story with Taith and highlighting global education’s transformative power.
Why Your Story Matters
Showcase impact: Demonstrate the unique learning experiences and cultural exchanges your group encounters.
Boost visibility: Elevate your organisation and group’s profile by showcasing your commitment to global education.
Motivate participation: Inspire others by sharing international exchanges’ possibilities and positive outcomes.
Celebrate Wales: Share how your experiences abroad bring value back to Wales.
How Your Story is Used
Stories shared with Taith can be used in a variety of ways. Often stories are turned into case studies which sit on the ‘Stories’ page of the Taith website. These can be in a variety of formats including written case studies and video case studies. We may also take extracts from your story, such as quotes, or brief summaries / paragraphs for us to use on social media, presentations or promotional materials. This often includes any media you’ve shared with us.
What if I Don’t Want My Story or Image / Video to be Used Anymore?
If you no longer want your story or image / video to be used by Taith, you will need to email us at to let us know. Please give us details so we can identify your story or image/video to ensure we take the right information down from our website and stop using it on social media, presentations and promotional material. It should be noted that we are not able to remove content from social media which has already been posted. Hard copies of promotional materials will be amended before any re-prints, but again any previous versions which may contain your story / image may still be in circulation.