This handbook is a guidance document for Beneficiaries of Taith Pathway 2 2022 funding.
Please ensure that you read this document in conjunction with your Taith Grant Agreement letter, including all associated schedules and the Pathway 2 Taith Programme Guide.
Should any information in this handbook differ from either the Grant Agreement letter, including the associated schedules or the Pathway 2 Programme Guide, the content of the Grant Agreement and its schedules will take precedence. If you have any queries or feedback on the contents of this handbook, please contact
Section | Title |
1 | Grant Agreement Schedules and Signing of the Agreement |
2 | Grant Payments |
3 | Period of Activity |
4 | Project Budget and Grant Activities |
5 | Requests for Additional Funding |
6 | Cancellation or disruption to planned activities |
7 | Making changes to your project |
8 | Safeguarding |
9 | Reporting |
10 | Audit and Assurance and Record Keeping |
11 | Publicity |
1.0. Grant Agreement Schedules and Signing of the Agreement
The Grant Agreement letter has a number of schedules, which are listed below. These are applicable to all Pathway 2 (2022) projects awarded funding in March 2023.
Schedule Number | Title | Purpose |
1 | Payment Schedule Process | Details of the payment schedule process. This includes an explanation of terminology and the different budget headings when payments are expected to be made and reporting dates. |
2 | Grant Activities and Budget Profile | Sets out the approved grant activities and awarded budget. |
3 | Forecast of Spend, Mobility Activity and Targets | Details from organisation on outward and inward mobility participant numbers, the % of participants from under-represented groups, an indication of countries involved, and to provide details on project outputs, planned activities and dissemination events. |
4 | Request for Additional Funding | Details of additional funding available upon request, including green travel and inclusion support for participants who have additional learning needs, disabilities or are from a disadvantaged background. |
5 | Reporting Requirements | Details of the different types of reports that should be submitted throughout the project lifecycle. |
6 | Eligible Expenditure | Details of the amount of Grant that can be used in relation to the delivery of your grant activities, and the type of expenditure permitted by Taith under your Agreement. |
7 | Annual Certificate of Expenditure | To be completed by Beneficiaries who receive Grant awards in excess of £50,000 alongside the final report to provide independent assurance that funds have been used for the delivery of funded activities. |
8 | Project Change Process | To outline the rules for project changes. It provides a breakdown of the different budget categories and gives details of the changes that can be made to a project without needing approval from Taith. |
9 | Financial Management and Governance Declaration | Confirmation that the appropriate financial governance, risk management and internal controls are in place to oversee the agreed project activities. |
10 | Contact Details | A summary of a project’s main contact points, for example the lead contact person and Legal Representative. |
11 | Safeguarding | Details of Beneficiaries’ responsibilities with regards to safeguarding, including the protection of children and vulnerable adults and insurance. |
12 | Intellectual Property | Provides a copy of the Taith logo that Beneficiaries must use. |
2.0. Grant Payments
All payments to organisations are made in British pounds sterling (GBP) and will be paid into the bank account details previously provided. Any change of bank details will need to be notified to Taith immediately by contacting and a New Supplier Form completed and returned with a current bank statement. The new details will need to be validated prior to any further payments being issued.
Please see Schedule 1 – Payment Schedule Process of your Grant Agreement Letter which details when payments are expected to be made, the value, and the percentage of the Grant payment. Payment dates and values may vary dependent on the reporting requirements and the spend to date on Eligible Expenditure.
3.0. Period of activity
All projects begin from 1st May 2023 and end on the end date stipulated in clause 2.5 of the Grant Agreement letter. The Grant Agreement Letter and the supporting schedules will need to be returned by the Organisation and reviewed by the Taith team before any pre-payment of grant award is made. Please note that this agreement is legally binding, and any expenditure incurred before signing is at the Beneficiary’s risk. Beneficiaries will only receive funding for the approved project duration. If your final project activity ends before the end date in your Grant Agreement letter, please inform Taith within one month of the project activity being completed so that your final report can be sent to you. Upon approval of the final report, Taith will then be able to close the project early and the Beneficiaries can receive a final payment or return any remaining funding, if applicable. For more information, please see the ‘Reporting’ section.
4.0. Project Budget and Grant Activities
The grant funding is split into a number of cost categories, details of which can be found below. A full breakdown of the awarded budget can be found in Schedule 2 – Grant Activities and Budget Profile of your Grant Agreement Letter. Please note that the grant must be spent solely on the purpose of delivering the project. The maximum amount of funding an organisation could apply and be approved for in the 2022 Pathway 2 call was £75,000.
Eligible project activities are as follows:
- Staff costs
- Project management and implementation
- Dissemination costs
- Translation costs
- Mobilities
This is a contribution to the staffing costs required to enable the project to take place. Funding in this category can only be used for staffing costs directly related to the development, creation, and dissemination of the project output. Contribution to this cost is a maximum of 30% of the overall project funding award. Staff costs are calculated on a daily rate. Details of the daily rates per staff category can be found in section 7 of the Pathway 2 Programme Guide
A contribution to costs to enable the activity to take place. These could include, but are not limited to, meeting room hire, non-alcoholic refreshments, facilitation costs, simultaneous translation for meetings, administrative costs, UK Travel and accommodation etc. Contribution to this cost is a maximum of 25% of the overall project funding award. Staff costs are not eligible under this activity.
A contribution to the costs of sharing and disseminating the project output across the sector(s) within Wales and internationally. Eligible costs include, but are not limited to, events, marketing, production of reports, development of online resources, development of a digital application or online platform.
Any dissemination activities/resources created through Taith Pathway 2 must be free of charge to all participants and remain so for as long as they are used/shared. These resources cannot be developed or used for commercial purposes. Contribution to this cost is a maximum of 35% of the overall project funding award. Staff costs are not eligible under this activity.
A contribution to the costs of translation related to the production and dissemination of the project output. Eligible costs include translation of materials related to the project output, simultaneous translation for events, training sessions and seminars etc. Contribution to this cost is a maximum of 10% of the overall project funding award. Staff costs are not eligible under this activity.
There is no limit to the proportion of funding which can be used for mobilities, provided these clearly facilitate the development and completion of the project output. Both staff and learners are eligible for international travel. Examples include a staff member travelling to a partner organisation abroad to learn, develop understanding, work collaboratively and so on.
Learner mobilities are possible where there is clear rationale for their involvement in the development of the project output, either as co-creators or to test/embed the project output. Eligible learner mobilities include group mobilities only, individual learner mobilities are not eligible.
Eligible expenditure for participants taking part in mobilities are as follows:
- A grant for the purposes of subsistence
- A travel grant, including a ‘green top-up’ for greener travel options. Exceptional costs for travel from/to a remote area will also be considered
More information on additional funding for inclusion costs and disadvantaged participants can be found in section 5.
- A grant for the purposes of subsistence
- A travel grant, dependent on distance, including a ‘green top-up’ for greener travel options Exceptional costs for travel from/to a remote area will also be considered
More information on additional funding for inclusion costs and disadvantaged participants can be found in section 5.
This is a grant (calculated as a unit cost contribution) based on the physical mobility duration and destination country. The rates are grouped into the following three categories: Group 1 (higher cost of living), Group 2 (medium cost of living) and Group 3 (lower cost of living). For the purposes of blended mobility, a grant will be generated solely on the duration and destination of the physical aspect of the mobility – further information can be found in the relevant Programme Guide. The unit cost will be paid in its entirety by Taith to the Beneficiary Organisation. Each participant must receive their full financial entitlement, either by direct payment by the Beneficiary Organisation or payments on their behalf. Each Beneficiary must check their own financial regulations as to whether receipts are required for their own audit purposes.
This is funding towards the direct cost of international travel and is dependent on the distance between the sending and the receiving organisations. This is a unit cost contribution towards the cost of a round trip. A higher travel grant amount will be available for participants who utilise environmentally sustainable ‘Green Travel’ options. Please see Schedule 4 of the Grant Agreement Letter for further information on how to claim the ‘Green Travel’ top up. The unit cost will be paid in its entirety. Each Beneficiary Organisation must check their own financial regulations as to whether receipts are required for their own audit purposes.
All participants will receive a travel grant. The amount will vary depending on the distance travelled up to 12,000km. Please see Schedule – Eligible Expenditure of the Grant Agreement Letter for distances and grant amounts.
Schedule 4 refers to additional funding that is available. Participants with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and disabilities can receive up to 100% of eligible associated costs.
Selection of participants
You, as the Beneficiary Organisation, are responsible for the selection of the participants for mobilities. The selection process must be transparent, coherent, fair, and documented. The profile of participants must correspond to the eligibility criteria set out in the Taith Programme Guide. Fees or deposits to secure places on mobilities, whether refundable or not, should not be charged to participants.
Paying funding to participants
Payments should only be made when the participant is likely to require funds. Sending organisations should apply their payment processes consistently throughout the lifetime of a project.
If requested, funding for inward participants has been calculated automatically through the grant calculation too and has been included in the overall amount the organisation applied for.
5.0. Requests for Additional Funding
Requests for additional funding can be made to Taith for Green Travel, Exceptional Costs and Inclusion Support. Requests should be submitted at least 30 days prior to the project activity taking place and are subject to Taith approval. All requests for additional funding should present value for money and should be related to the individual participant applying for the additional funding. For example:
Four participants plan to travel from Cardiff to Bristol; a number of transport options have been explored, and it is determined that a public coach offers the best value for money. The total paid by the organisation for the four participants is £100, or £25 per person; 1 of these participants is considered as disadvantaged, so the organisation submits a claim to Taith for additional funding for this participant’s coach fare.
To submit a request, please complete the Pathway 2 Additional Funding Request form – a link and supporting guidance can be found on the Beneficiary Members Area of the Taith website. Schedule 4 – Request for Additional Funding of the Grant Agreement Letter refers to all additional funding that is available.
Green Travel
For the purposes of Taith and this Agreement, “Green Travel” is understood as travel where a low emission means of transport rather than flying is used. For example, this is when travel is undergone by, bike, train, coach, minibus, or carsharing for the majority of the round-trip. Taith considers ferries as a high emission mode of transport.
Travel rates are calculated automatically based on the distance travelled as outlined in Table 1 below.
Table 1
Travel / Green Travel Distance (Km) | Standard Travel rates | Green Travel rates |
10-99km | 20 | N/A |
100-499km | 150 | 180 |
500-1999km | 230 | 270 |
2000-2999km | 300 | 350 |
3000-3999km | 450 | 520 |
4000-7999km | 700 | N/A |
8000-12000km | 1200 | N/A |
12000km + | 1400 | N/A |
Exceptional Costs
Exceptional costs fall into three categories, as outlined below.
a. Exceptional Expensive Travel – to/from a remote area
A contribution to the cost of travel to/from a remote area (only for those eligible to receive a travel grant). Exceptional Expensive travel is defined as travel to/from an area where there is no established transport infrastructure to reach or depart from destination. Transportation infrastructure means all highways, roads, bike paths, sidewalks, airports, rail lines and docking facilities, as well as transportation and transit facilities. With regards to exceptional expensive travel from/to a remote area, all participants may be eligible for a top up.
Participants from disadvantaged backgrounds can receive up to 100% of actual eligible costs. All other participants can receive up to 80% of the actual cost (if the original amount does not cover at least 70%).
b. Travel to a UK Transport hub – learner participants only
A contribution to the cost of travel to a UK transport hub as part of international mobility. A UK transport hub is defined by Taith as a departure point from which the mobility departs to its international destination. For example, an airport, train station, port or bus station. Examples of eligible modes of transport include, but are not limited to, trains, buses and boats. For train journeys, participants can claim for the actual cost of the train ticket as well as a railcard, provided that the total cost of both is lower than the original cost of the train fare alone. Participants between the ages of 16-21 who are travelling by bus are expected to use mytravelpass. The rate for petrol contribution is £0.45 per mile.
The rates are up to £500 per group mobility, up to a maximum of £1200 per project, based on actual costs.
c. Covid Related Exceptional Costs
These additional costs can be claimed in instances where the status of the destination country changes during a mobility, causing the participant to incur significant additional costs owing to a requirement to quarantine in a dedicated facility, comply with enhanced testing requirements, or similar. Relevant insurance, including travel insurance, should be obtained for all mobilities; this exceptional cost is not intended to replace covid insurance.
Inclusion Support
This is for participants with additional learning needs (ALN), disabilities or those from a disadvantaged background. Information on additional funding can also be found in the Programme Guide, and Schedule 4 – Request for Additional Funding and Schedule 6 – Eligible Expenditure of your Grant Agreement Letter.
Participants with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and/or disabilities can receive up to 100% of eligible inclusion costs. This can be paid to both staff and learner participants. Funding will be held centrally by Taith at grant award stage for this purpose.
The definition for ALN is: As defined by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (the ALN Act), the Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales 2021 (the ALN Code)
The definition for disability is: A disabled person is defined as someone with a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ effect on their ability to do normal daily activities (Equality Act 2010).
Participants from disadvantaged backgrounds can receive up to 100% of actual costs for eligible additional travel related costs e.g., visas, passports, travel insurance, luggage (where necessary). This can be paid to both staff and learner participants.
For a participant to be considered as Disadvantaged, they must meet at least one of the criteria as outlined in column 1 in the following tables. Where possible, at least one piece of the listed evidence associated with the criteria should be provided to support claims for additional funding for a disadvantaged participant. This evidence may also be requested during the audit process.
Table 1 – learner participants
Criteria | Schools | FE/VET/AE | Youth | Evidence Required |
Total household income below 25K | Yes | Yes | Yes | Last three months’ bank statement showing all income being received by the household; name and address must be visible on statement. If the organisation has an internal process for determining financial disadvantage, then we would accept confirmation of this.
If the participant lives in a house-share, not with family and are responsible for their own bills, then only their income would be taken into consideration. |
Participant receiving Universal Credit or income-related benefits in their own name | N/A | Yes | Yes | Total household income – wages and/or benefits/pensions combined – must still be less than 25K Universal Credit – screenshots of workbook detailing amount paid and any deductions for the last three months; name and address must be visible on statement. Benefits – last three months’ bank statements showing amount in benefits being received |
Participants who are care-experienced, currently in care, or from a looked-after background. | Yes | Yes | Yes | A letter from a social worker, support worker, personal assistant, local authority, housing association or charity, confirming the participants’ situation – current or past. This refers to anyone who has been or is at any stage of their life, no matter how short. This includes adopted children who were previously looked-after, or those who are care-experienced and access care-related bursaries in other parts of the UK before moving to Wales. |
Participants who have caring responsibilities for a disabled child, or an adult who, due to illness, disability, mental health problems or addiction, cannot cope without their support. | Yes | Yes | Yes | A letter showing that the participant is in receipt of Carer’s Allowance. A letter from a social worker, support worker, health professional or charity organisation confirming that the participant undertakes caring responsibilities for an immediate family member. A certificate from the applying organisation as outlined in the guidance above. |
Asylum Seekers or Refugees | Yes | Yes | Yes | Application Registration Card or letter from the Home Office. |
Participant is estranged from parents | N/A | N/A | N/A | Evidence required in line with SFW/Stand Alone |
Eligible for Free School Meals | Yes | Yes | Yes | Letter from school or council confirming eligibility |
At Taith, we understand that gathering certain types of evidence may be difficult, for example from a participant who undertakes unofficial Carer duties, or a participant who is unable to access their parents’ financial information. In circumstances where the necessary evidence cannot be provided or obtained, we would require organisations to follow the below procedure:
- The organisation must provide Taith with details of any internal processes used to identify those participants who would be considered as disadvantaged, in line with the listed criteria; for instance, if there is a Wellbeing Department, Counselling service or a Pastoral Care Team that provides support to those learners who would be considered as disadvantaged, who could confirm that the participant meets one (or more) of the criteria.
- A letter on headed paper should be produced at the point of application, confirming that:
a. The correct internal procedures were followed to determine the participants status as Disadvantaged.
b. The participant is Disadvantaged, in line with the Taith criteria detailed in the table below.
- Where the organisation does not have such facilities as outlined above, a certificate on headed paper should be produced, signed by the organisation’s Taith Project Lead, the participant, and a parent/carer (where applicable).
- The letter or certificate should be retained with the Taith-related project paperwork for the required 12 years, as it may be requested during the auditing process or for other reasons in the future.
By following the above process, organisations will be able to apply for additional funding for those participants most in need, without the need to ask for personal, sensitive, or unobtainable documentation and evidence.
Disadvantaged participants – Staff
For staff participants wishing to claim additional funding due to being disadvantaged, they must meet at least one of the criteria outlined in Table 2, and at least one piece of evidence proving the participant’s status must be provided to and kept by the Beneficiary Organisation.
Table 2 – staff participants
Criteria | Evidence required |
Household income below 25K | Last three months’ bank statement showing all income being received into the household; or last three months’ wage slips for; or most recent P60 if dated within three months. The name and address of participant must be visible on statement. The income of any partners must also be included in the figure. If the participant lives in a house-share, not with family and are responsible for their own bills, then only their income would be taken into consideration. |
Participant receiving Universal Credit or income-related benefits in their own name | Total household income – wages and/or benefits/pensions combined – must still be less than 25K Universal Credit – screenshots of workbook detailing amount paid and any deductions for the last three months; name and address must be visible on statement. Benefits – last three months’ bank statements showing amount in benefits being received. |
Participants who are care-experienced, currently in care, or from a looked-after background. | This applies to any participant up to the age of 25 who has been or is at any stage of their life, no matter how short. This includes adopted children who were previously looked-after, or those who are care-experienced and access care-related bursaries in other parts of the UK before moving to Wales. Letter from social worker, support worker, personal assistant, local authority, housing association or charity, confirming the participants’ situation – current or past. |
Participants who have caring responsibilities for a disabled child, or an adult who, due to illness, disability, mental health problem or addiction, cannot cope without their support. | A letter showing that the participant is in receipt of Carer’s Allowance. A letter from a social worker, support worker, health professional or charity organisation confirming that the participant undertakes caring responsibilities for an immediate family member. A certificate from the applying organisation as outlined in the guidance above. |
Asylum Seekers or Refugees | Yes – Application Registration Card or letter from the Home Office. |
Participant is estranged from parents | N/A |
Eligible for Free School Meals | N/A |
For further information on additional funding, please contact us at
Inward Mobility Budget
Within Pathway 2 you can allocate up to, and including, 50% of your mobility funding toward inward mobilities. There must be a clear rational for all of the mobilities that take place and inward mobilities cannot exceed the total number of outward mobilities.
Reciprocal Costs
Within Pathway 2 you can allocate up to, and including, 30% of your funding for Staff costs and Project Management & Implementation costs to your International partner.
6.0. Cancellation or disruption to planned activities
Early returns
Please see section 7.0 Making changes to your project
Short durations
Please see section 7.0 Making changes to your project
Pre-departure cancellation
Please see section 7.0 Making changes to your project
Force Majeure
Force majeure relates to cases where something outside of your control prevents you from carrying out planned activity in your project. The clause can be invoked when you are unable to rearrange the planned activity and would incur a financial loss as a result.
Requests can only be submitted in clear and certain circumstances which are beyond your control: Generally, this will include:
- serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate is provided.
- bereavement related to close family members such as parents or grandparents.
- major political upheaval or natural disaster in the host country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted the planned project activity e.g dissemination event, mobility
- a traumatic experience which could include involvement in or witnessing of a serious accident or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime, and this has impacted on the participant
- project activity being postponed or cancelled due to Covid 19
- project activities arranged before any significant change to UK or other national Covid-19 mitigation, i.e., lockdowns, may be deemed to be a force majeure.
We expect you to provide full evidence for the circumstances mentioned above. All cases of force majeure must be approved prior to submission of the project’s final report
Force majeure does NOT cover:
- disputes between partner organisations that could potentially be resolved
- disputes between participants and receiving organisations that could potentially be resolved
- participants undertaking mobility activities simply wanting to return home
- foreseeable circumstances that could be resolved by either the partner organisations, mobility participants, sending or receiving organisation or other service providers
- labour disputes, strikes, financial difficulties or any default of a service, defect in equipment or materials or delays in making them available
Please note this list is not exhaustive and we will look at each request on a case-by-case basis. For mobility activities, the Taith grant only covers the actual period spent abroad and participants are only entitled to receive grants that correspond with the actual duration of the mobility. Any remaining funds must be refunded by requesting the difference from the participant.
Any change requests due to force majeure should be requested via the Project Change form and which can be found on the Beneficiary Members area of the Taith website along with supporting guidance. If you have any queries, please contact Please also see section 7 – Making changes to your project.
7.0. Making changes to your project
You can make changes to your project throughout its delivery where these are needed. Any project amendments should not change the fundamental aims and objectives or the basis by which the project has been awarded funding in the Grant Application.
Changes that require approval from Taith should be requested via the project change request form on the members area of the website (this includes changes required due to cases of Force Majeure). Please complete the change request form at least 30 days prior to the start of the mobility or planned project activity; for unforeseen events such as early returns, short durations and Force Majeure, please inform us as soon as you are aware of the change.
Changes that need Taith approval
Change of legal representative or contact person
During the lifetime of the project, changes to the legal representative or contact person(s) can be made. To do this, please complete the project change form as soon as you are aware of a change. For a legal representative change, you must also send formal notification (in a PDF document) from an authorised/verified source on headed paper to confirm that the new signatory has the authority to sign legal documents on behalf of the organisation.
Consortium changes
If you wish to add a new partner to an existing consortium or change the consortium partner originally named on your application form, we will need to approve this amendment. We will assess the implications of the change to the consortium, check that all eligibility criteria have been fulfilled and that there is no impact on the overall scope and quality of the consortium before confirming our decision. Please complete the project change request form as soon as you are aware of a change.
Project duration
If you require a reduction or extension to the original project duration, please notify Taith at least 60 days before the project end date.
Change to the International Partner, original destination, or inclusion of another destination in a mobility
If you wish to request a change to the original International Partner you had planned to work with on your Pathway 2 project, please submit this to Taith at least 30 days prior to any planned activity taking place. If the change in International Partner results in a change to the original destination stated on your approved application, please also include this in your project change request. If your International Partner has not changed, but you would like to change the destination, or include another destination in your planned mobility, please submit a request to Taith at least 30 days prior to any planned activity taking place.
Travel advice provided by the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) must be adhered to. Taith will not fund travel to countries/regions where the FCDO advises against foreign travel. Where circumstances change in a country where Beneficiaries are planning a mobility, leading to FCDO advice against foreign travel, the Beneficiary must make alternative arrangements such as rearranging the mobilities to a different destination country. Prior to making any amendments, Beneficiaries should get in touch with Taith to discuss/agree.
The original aims, objectives and outputs of the project must still be met, or bettered, with the new International Partner, or at the new destination. If you are planning to include a second destination in a mobility activity, the minimum duration for the mobility must still be met in one of the destinations, in accordance with Table 1 Below.
Table 1
Mobility type/activity | Schools | Youth | Adult Ed | FE & VET |
Learner group mobilities | 3 days – 1 month (28 days) | 3 days – 1 month (28 days) | 3 days – 1 month (28 days) | 3 days – 1 month (28 days) |
Staff mobilities | 2 days – 1 month (28 days) | 2 days – 1 month (28 days) | 2 days – 1 month (28 days) | 2 days – 1 month (28 days) |
Early returns
If a participant returns early from a mobility but meets the minimum duration requirement, you should report this change to Taith. Funding can only cover the actual duration of the mobility and any overpayment must be returned, except in the specific circumstances outlined below. Please see the ‘Recoveries’ section for more information.
Short durations
A short duration request is applicable for participants who do not meet the minimum duration required for their stay, due to force majeure. If a short duration request is approved, the Beneficiary Organisation will receive the grant amount for the actual duration of the mobility. If a short duration request is rejected, you must delete the mobility record and return the grant to the project by requesting the difference from the participant.
Pre-departure cancellation
If a mobility is cancelled before it begins due to force majeure, Taith will cover actual incurred costs up to the originally agreed grant amount, in approved cases. Beneficiaries will firstly need to claim these costs against their insurance policy (see Schedule 8 – Project Change Process of your Grant Agreement Letter for details). The individual’s details would then need to be entered into the monthly report, excluding dates, with some brief text in the comments section explaining that this mobility did not take place. Any costs incurred that the insurance premium has not covered will need to be requested as per the additional funding request process.
Change to a project output
The focus of Pathway 2 is the creation of tangible, well-constructed, measurable project outputs, which are of value to other organisations and/or the sector(s) across Wales. Any changes to the original project for which the application is approved must be discussed with Taith prior to any changes taking place
Change to planned dissemination activities
A key aspect of Pathway 2 is the requirement for project outputs to be shared and disseminated. Applying organisations will need to demonstrate clearly how they intend to share the results of their project, and with whom. The dissemination activity must be appropriate and accessible to the sector(s), and relevant for the format and intention of the project output. Any changes to the original project for which the application is approved must be discussed with Taith prior to any changes taking place.
Project and Participant changes and Budget transfers
Any changes or transfers between these activity categories, which are 10% or more of the original approved budget, must be approved by Taith:
- Staff mobility numbers
- Group learner numbers
- Accompanying person numbers
- Mobility days
- Staff costs
- Project activity categories e.g. Project Management & Implementation, Dissemination and Translation
Staff costs cannot exceed 30% of the total approved budget. Project activity categories cannot exceed 70% of the total approved budget.
For any changes that require Taith’s approval, please complete the Pathway 2 Change Request form at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the occurrence of any proposed change, a link to which is on the Beneficiary Members area of the Taith website. Guidance on how to complete the form can also be found here. If you have any questions or would like support with completing the form, please contact
Please refer to Schedule 8 – Project Change Process of your Grant Agreement Letter for further information on budget transfers.
Changes that do not require approval from Taith
These must be updated in the relevant reports as soon as they are known.
Changes up to 10% of the following based on the original approved budget:
- Staff mobility numbers
- Group learner numbers
- Accompanying person numbers
- Mobility days
- Staff costs
- Project activity categories e.g. Project Management & Implementation, Dissemination and Translation
- Underspend on unit costs per participant, per mobility i.e., travel and subsistence cost contribution. For example, if you underspend on either of these two categories you can use it top up the other if required, or for other related expenditure to enable the mobility to happen.
As above, Staff costs cannot exceed 30% of the total approved budget. Project activity categories cannot exceed 70% of the total approved budget.
Taith reserves the right to increase or decrease the 10% percentage threshold if there is an operational reason to do so and will communicate any such changes to Beneficiaries promptly.
Examples of project changes
Changes to project activity categories
Example of changes possible without our approval
Scenario: There will be an underspend in the translation costs budget which could be transferred to cover additional costs in a dissemination activity.
Change needed: Move £500 from Translation budget into dissemination.
Outcome: This change is possible without our approval, as the total amount being moved from Translation into Dissemination is no more than 10% of the original allocated budget for Translation (£5000) and the new increased budget for Dissemination is also no more than 35% of the overall project funding award.
Example of changes needing our approval
Scenario: An underspend in the Dissemination budget is needed to cover an unforeseen translation cost, taking the translation costs above the allocated 10% cap
Change needed: Move £600 from Dissemination to Translation, resulting in the Translation costs being 12% of the overall budget instead of the agreed 10%
Outcome: This change would need approval from Taith, as the budget cap for Translation is being exceeded. In cases where the project output would be jeopardised without the transfer of budgets and subsequent exceeding of the budget cap, Taith may use their discretion to allow this transfer. Requests of this nature will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Changes to mobility activities
Example of changes possible without our approval
Scenario: A learner group mobility to France with 20 participants
Change needed: 1 participant drops out, with no replacement found
Outcome: This change is possible without our approval, as the total number of participants for this activity is reduced by less than 10% of the original participant number.
Example of changes needing our approval
Scenario: A project with a partner in China involves a learner group mobility with 5 participants, and a staff mobility with 3 participants.
Change needed: 1 learner is unable to attend the learner group mobility, and the Beneficiary wishes to replace this participant with an additional staff member joining the staff mobility.
Outcome: This change would need approval, as the total number of participants for each activity is affected by more than 10% of the original participant number.
8.0. Safeguarding
In line with Schedule 11 – Safeguarding of the Grant Agreement Letter, all Beneficiaries will have completed a Safeguarding checklist as part of the formal acceptance of the funding. The checklist details the requirements that must be adhered to when directly working with participants who are under the age of 18 and / or at-risk adults, or when delivering work that has an impact on participants who are under the age of 18 and / or at-risk adults.
All Beneficiaries have a responsibility to safeguard the welfare of participants who are under the age of 18 and at-risk adults (as defined under Part 7 of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014), in accordance with the relevant legislation and accompanying guidance.
The Wales Safeguarding Procedures can help Beneficiaries to understand and apply the duties set out in this legislation and guidance.
All education settings in Wales have a legal duty to ensure that children have access to a safe learning environment. It is important that education settings are clear about how they continue to meet their statutory duties for safeguarding children and young people when making arrangements for foreign exchange visits, as set out in statutory guidance Keeping Learners Safe.
All Beneficiaries also need to consider the relevant legislation governing safeguarding in the country/territory to which they send any participants, and where appropriate, incorporate this into their processes/ procedures.
It is a requirement for all Beneficiaries and Consortium Participants (if applicable) participating in the Taith programme to have the following in place:
- An up-to-date safeguarding policy and other appropriate policies e.g., child protection policy, complaints policy, whistleblowing policy, anti-harassment and bullying policy, data protection policy
- Safe recruitment procedures
- Up-to-date training records
- A code of conduct for participants
- A code of conduct for staff and volunteers
- A clear mechanism for reporting any safeguarding concerns
- A clear mechanism for carrying out suitable checks on host families and appropriate procedures in place for visits and planning (where applicable)
- A named individual who holds a senior position within the organisation with responsibility for safeguarding
- Appropriate risk assessments and checks, including where appropriate, criminal record and/or DBS checks
- Suitable insurance, to include travel insurance
All Beneficiaries and Consortium Participants (if applicable) who will run Grant Activities (including virtual exchanges) involving under 18-year-olds or at-risk adults are required to complete a checklist as part of the Grant Agreement letter. All requirements which form part of the checklist must be complied with before an activity takes place.
9.0. Reporting
All Taith projects include the submission of different types of reports throughout the project lifecycle.
Interim Report
Beneficiaries may be asked to submit an interim report based on project duration and/or project risk rating and must submit their report by the deadline as specified in Schedule 1 – Payment Schedule Process. Payments will be made subject to the Taith Programme Executive approval of satisfactory reporting. Interim reports will need to be completed and submitted electronically. Further guidance on how to complete and submit the interim report will be provided to Beneficiaries closer to the end of the reporting period. The report will be used to assess the extent to which a project is being delivered in line with the original Grant Application. Once a Beneficiary’s interim report has been reviewed, the Beneficiary will receive feedback along with confirmation regarding any further pre-payment. There may also be recommendations or action points for Beneficiaries to address within set timescales.
Final Report
Final reports will need to be completed and submitted electronically. The final report must be submitted within 30 days of the project end date as specified in Schedule 1 – Payment Schedule Process but can submitted as soon as all project activities have been completed. Further guidance on how to complete and submit final reports will be provided to Beneficiaries closer to project end dates. The report will be used to assess the extent to which a project was delivered in line with the original application. Once a Beneficiary’s final report has been assessed, the Beneficiary will receive feedback along with confirmation of the amount of any final payment due to the Beneficiary or any refund due to Taith.
All Pathway projects will be required to submit a final report, a certificate of expenditure (please refer to Schedule 7 – Annual Certification of Expenditure and the section below) and a declaration from the Beneficiary that confirms that Grant Activities were delivered in line with the objectives set out in the Grant Application or approved changes during the project within a timeframe as agreed by Taith. Further guidance on how to complete and submit the final report and the declaration form will be provided to Beneficiaries closer to the end of the reporting period.
The purpose of the final report is to provide a final complete picture of Grant Activities delivered and expenditure incurred and enable a budget reconciliation. Failure to meet the submission deadline may result in Taith exercising powers to withhold, suspend or require repayment of Grant under the Agreement. The amount of the final payment to be made to the Beneficiary will be established based on a final report to be submitted by the deadline as specified in Schedule 1 – Payment Schedule Process. In accordance with the Agreement, if a) the Grant Activities are not implemented or are implemented in a different way than planned; or b) the Eligible Expenditure actually incurred by the Beneficiary is lower than planned at application stage, or c) the quality of the realised activities/outputs is of insufficient quality, the Grant may be reduced proportionally or, where applicable, the Beneficiary may be required to repay any excess amounts already received.
Annual Certificates of Expenditure
All Beneficiaries who receive Grant awards in excess of £50,000 must complete the certificate statement (Schedule 7 – Annual Certification of Expenditure) and submit within 30 calendar days of the project end date alongside the final report. The Taith Programme Executive approval will trigger the Grant payment process. For projects with a duration of more than 1 year, all Beneficiaries must complete the certificate statement annually (after the project start date) and submit to Taith. Assurance for Grants below £50,000 will be via the completion of a declaration which will form part of the Beneficiary’s final report.
Project Feedback
Further information will follow at a later stage to Beneficiary Organisations.
10.0. Audit and Assurance and Record Keeping
- Beneficiaries may be selected for assurance check audits to assess their compliance with financial and programme management rules by checking relevant records, management practices and any additional conditions set out in the Grant Agreement letter. The assurance checks will audit the following areas:
- general administration of the Taith project
- banking arrangements for Taith grant awards
- evidence and recording of transactions
- timing and procedures for payments
- cost eligibility
- travel
- evidence of activities/meetings
- inclusion costs (if applicable)
- exceptional costs (if applicable)
There will be four types of assurance check audits:
- Desktop check audits undertaken remotely. This is the lowest level of compliance check.
- On the spot checks during an on-site visit whilst the project is live will be a heightened level of compliance check. An in-depth audit of the project and the organisation, reviewing their original records and interviewing staff. This audit can also be undertaken as a supportive visit to new organisations – to mentor their project management and to ensure their adherence to the programme guidelines. This enables organisations to undertake eligible activity and to increase their eligible budget expenditure (preventing later recoveries).
- On the spot checks during an on-site visit after project closure. This audit is a detailed forensic review of an organisation’s records and data, and interviews of staff. This audit is implemented where there are serious irregularities – resulting from desktop check or on the spot check during audit findings. The audit results here are immediately reported and appropriate actions taken to mitigate risk.
- Reports
- Quarterly reports will be required for very high-risk projects over the duration of the project.
- Interim reports will be required for all projects.
- Final reports will be required for all projects.
Supporting evidence
You are expected to keep adequate project and financial records to demonstrate that reported or planned activities have, or will, be undertaken in accordance with the approved Grant Agreement Letter. These may be checked as part of any audits undertaken.
For all approved additional funding you must keep all invoices, receipts, accounting records and any other documentation (including correspondence) relating to actual costs.
All documentation must be kept for a period of twelve years from the date on which the funding period ends.
The information below is designed to provide guidance for the minimum requirements to support evidencing project spend:
Unit costs e.g., Travel and Subsistence for mobility activities
- A declaration, statement or certificate of attendance signed and dated (date must not be prior to last date of attendance) by both the sending or receiving organisation and the participant, stating the name of the participant, the purpose of the activity, and its confirmed start and end date.
- For group mobilities this can be a spreadsheet noting all participants with each participant signing the spreadsheet. Where the participant is under 18 years a signed spreadsheet of attendance authorised by the accompanying person would suffice.
- All support evidence is required for both inward and outward participants and is the Beneficiary’s responsibility to ensure this evidence is obtained. The participant ID for Taith reporting must be cross-referenced on all supporting evidence noted above.
- Full details of all partner organisations will need to be provided along with all correspondence.
- All documentation must be referenced with the Taith participant number and match the data on the reports
Actual costs
For all actual costs detailed below you must keep all invoices, receipts, accounting records and any other documentation (including correspondence) relating to actual costs for your project.
Staff Costs
- Contract of employment
- Processed claim form if payment is for casual/variable hours staff who are paid monthly for actual hours worked
- Timesheets where staff are not working 100% on the project
- Transaction lists which show payments to staff employed on the grant
Project Management, Dissemination and Translation
- Contract (if applicable)
- Approved purchase order
- Goods receipt
- Invoice
- Entry of cost in finance system (evidenced via transaction list)
- Booking confirmation, especially when booked online
- Rail tickets, boarding passes, hotel confirmations to evidence the trip took place
A credit card statement/receipt is not acceptable evidence as they do not itemise what the purchase relates to.
All receipts (including electronic receipts) must contain the cost of the item, the supplier, the date, the currency and the VAT number (where applicable).
Approved additional funding (this is additional funding that has been requested and approved for green travel, inclusion support or exceptional costs and are based on actual costs)
- Invoices and/or receipts of the related costs incurred, specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice and/or receipt, the amount and currency, the date, and in respect of travel, the route taken and date of travel.
- Evidence will need to be obtained and held regarding the participant for ALN, disabilities and disadvantaged noting their unique participant number (not their name) on the documents.
- For any additional costs requested proof of value for money will be required. This would take the form of written quotes for items in excess of £300 or a cost comparison of similar goods or services if under this value.
- We may also request any other documents that we consider relevant, and will form part of the audit trail, to verify costs and activities. This may include estimates or quotes as evidence of justification of the funding requested.
- If evidence of actual costs is requested, the Beneficiary must provide this information to Taith within two (2) working days to If evidence is not provided, then Taith may recover the funding that evidence has not been provided for as per Schedule 1 – Payment Schedule Process.
- Project and financial records, invoices and/or receipts should be retained in their original format, whether electronic or hard copy, and all records retained for at least twelve years in case of additional audits. This will include records held by subcontractors or consortium members.
- You are reminded that as per the Grant Agreement Letter (Clause 6.4) you agree to provide us access, as required, to all funded activities sites and relevant records.
A credit card statement/receipt is not acceptable evidence as they do not itemise what the purchase relates to.
All receipts (including electronic receipts) must contain the cost of the item, the supplier, the date, the currency and the VAT number (where applicable).
A recovery is the recoup by Taith of any unused or ineligible grant funds from Beneficiaries. A recovery can be initiated at any point during the project duration under, but not limited to, the following scenarios:
- eligible costs actually incurred by the Beneficiary are lower than those planned at application stage
- early final report submission due to activities finishing earlier than expected i.e., before the end date as detailed in the Grant Agreement Letter.
- termination of Grant Agreement by either the Beneficiary or Taith Programme Executive
- in cases of liquidation
- once a final report is submitted by the Beneficiary, at the activity end date, when full expenditure is reconciled or as a result of further audit assurance checks
The payment arrangement is aimed at keeping recoveries at a minimum. If a recovery is required, Taith will in the first instance seek to recover funding by off-setting (reducing the value to be repaid) against the next or final payment. Where this is not possible, or there is no imminent payment planned, a recovery invoice will be raised requesting immediate payment. You will have 10 days to repay the funds directly and reminder letters will be issued, if you fail to repay the recovery invoice, you will be sent a letter before legal action. Whether a reduction is made on your next or final payment or via a recovery invoice, it remains your responsibility to make sure that you have sufficient funds available to deliver all your approved Taith projects.
11.0. Publicity
Publicity Guidelines
Beneficiaries should follow the guidance in the Taith Branding Guide for Beneficiaries when promoting the project, noting the requirements on bilingual promotion.