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Pathway 1 – Grant Calculator

Before starting your application, you MUST fill out our grant calculator. All you have to do is input how many participants you want to take part in each mobility type, to which country and for how long, and it will automatically calculate the amount you are able to request. You will also need to provide an estimated start month for each mobility, and you will need to ensure your project duration is as accurate as possible.  If successful, this will then dictate when you will receive funds within your project.  You can watch a pre-recorded video on the grant calculator tool here.

Once you have completed the grant calculator and know how much funding you are requesting, you can start the relevant application form. The application form asks for written responses on a range of questions including a project overview, details about planned project activities, project and financial management, and relevance to Taith’s purpose and objectives. The application questions, and some supporting information can be found here.

Chwech o fyfyrwyr a’u cefnai i’r camera yn edrych ar gofeb Medi 11eg yn Efrog Newydd. Y mae yna nifer o entrychdai wedi e’u hadlewyrchu yn erbyn yr awyr las dwfn yn y cefndir.

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