FAQs Pathway 2
Where needed, Grant Recipients can make changes to their project throughout its delivery. In addition to overarching project changes such as contact details and project durations, requests can also be made to change specific aspects relating to project delivery, such as original planned outputs, dissemination activities or participant numbers.
Please note, any project amendments should not change the fundamental aims and objectives, or the basis by which the project has been awarded funding in the Grant Application.
In some cases, changes need to be approved by Taith before they can come into effect. Full details on change request rules can be found in Schedule 8 of your Grant Agreement Letter. The form and guidance can be found on the grant recipient area of the Taith website. A change request will be considered if it aligns with the approved application and still meets or builds on the project’s original aims and objectives.
All subsistence and travel for participants is a unit cost contribution and is based on the duration of the mobility and the destination country. The unit cost will be paid in its entirety and for all participants (both outward and inward). A statement, a declaration or certificate of attendance should be signed and dated on the last day of the mobility by the sending or receiving organisation, confirming the name of the participant, the purpose of the activity and the confirmed start and end date.
Taith will not request copies of receipts to show spend, where a unit cost contribution has been applied; each Grant Recipient must check their own financial regulations as to whether receipts are required for their own audit purposes.
Expenditure for Green Travel, Exceptional Costs and Inclusion Support will need to be approved and authorised by Taith in advance. These are actual costs, which must be supported with a valid receipt (or equivalent). Please also refer to section 5.0 of the Operational Handbook for further detail on evidence requirements. Without this, no payment will be made by Taith. All authorised expenditure will require a valid receipt which must be kept for twelve years after the project end date. No payment will be made for any unauthorised expenditure.
We understand that gathering certain types of evidence for participants who require additional funding can be difficult for a number of reasons; in circumstances where the required evidence can’t be provided or obtained, we would require organisations to provide us with details of the internal processes used to identify participants from disadvantaged backgrounds. This could either be through a wellbeing department or pastoral care team providing the necessary confirmation. For organisations who don’t have similar specialist departments, we will require a certificate signed by Taith project lead, the participant and the parent/ carer where applicable.
Requests for additional funding can be made to Taith for Green Travel, Exceptional Costs, and Inclusion Support at least 30 days before a mobility takes place. The application form and guidance to apply for additional funding can be found on the grant recipient area of the Taith website.
Green Travel
For the purposes of Taith, “Green Travel” is defined as travel where a low emission means of transport rather than flying is used. For example, this is when travel is undergone by bike, train, coach or carsharing for the entire trip. Taith also considers ferries as a high emission mode of transport.
Exceptional Costs
Exceptional costs can be either of the below:
Exceptional expensive travel is the cost covering travel from/to remote area (only for those eligible to receive a travel grant). For the purposes of Taith, a remote area is defined as an area where there is no established transport infrastructure to reach or depart from destination. Transportation infrastructure means all highways, roads, bike paths, sidewalks, airports, rail lines and docking facilities, as well as transportation and transit facilities.
Covid related exceptional costs are covering Covid-related costs, specifically where status of the destination country changes during mobility, causing the participant to incur significant additional costs owing to a requirement to quarantine in a dedicated facility, comply with enhanced testing requirements or similar. Relevant insurance should be obtained for all mobilities this exceptional cost is not intended to replace covid insurance.
Inclusion Support
This is for participants with additional learning needs (ALN), disabilities or those from a disadvantaged background. Information on additional funding can also be found in the Programme Guide, Schedule 2 and Schedule 6 of your Grant Agreement letter.
The definition for ALN is: As defined by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (the ALN Act), the Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales 2021 (the ALN Code)
The definition for disability is, ‘A disabled person is defined as someone with a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ effect on their ability to do normal daily activities (Equality Act 2010)’.
Please refer to section 4.0 of the Operational Handbook. For Pathway 2 projects, funding can be spent on the following activities:
Project Management and Implementation – A contribution to costs to enable the activity to take place. These could include, but are not limited to, meeting room hire, refreshments, facilitation costs, simultaneous translation for meetings, administrative costs, UK Travel and accommodation etc.
Dissemination – A contribution to the costs of sharing and disseminating the project output across the sector(s) within Wales and internationally. Eligible costs include, but are not limited to, events, marketing, production of reports, development of online resources, development of a digital application or online platform. Any dissemination activities/resources created through Taith Pathway 2 must be free of charge to all participants and remain so for as long as they are used/shared. These resources cannot be developed or used for commercial purposes.
Translation – A contribution to the costs of translation related to the production and dissemination of the project output. Eligible costs include translation of materials related to the project output, simultaneous translation for events, training sessions and seminars etc.
None of the lists above are exhaustive, but staff costs are not eligible under any of the above categories. No staff members from the applying organisation should receive Taith funding for managing the project, planning or managing any dissemination activities, or for undertaking any translation activities. No more than 70% of the total budget should be allocated to the above categories.
Staff costs – This is a contribution to the staffing costs required to enable the project to take place. Funding in this category can only be used for staffing costs directly related to the development, creation, and dissemination of the project output. Contribution to this cost is a maximum of 30% of the overall project funding award. Staff costs are calculated on a daily rate. Details of the daily rates per staff category can be found in section 7 of the Pathway 2 Programme Guide
Staff costs cannot exceed 30% of the overall maximum budget an organisation has been awarded. The remaining 70% should be allocated to Project Management and Implementation, Dissemination and Translation. Costs can be moved between these categories but should not exceed the percentage cap.