This section provides a range of templates to support you in delivering and managing your Taith funded project.
Project Management Templates
All Taith Grant Recipients are required to keep a signed Certificate of Attendance for each completed individual mobility. This will be used as evidence to demonstrate that reported activities have taken place in accordance with the approved Grant Agreement Letter. The Certificate of Attendance should be completed and signed by the relevant co-ordinator of the receiving organisation, on or after the final date of the mobility. For outward mobilities, the organisation participant identifier can be added at a later stage by the relevant co-ordinator of the sending organisation.
As outlined in the Grant Agreement Letter, all Grant Recipients are required to collect evidence for participants from underrepresented groups, should a project be selected for a Taith desktop or onsite audit. For full information on these evidence requirements, please see the Evidence Requirements for Participants from underrepresented groups (hyperlink) section of the Grant Recipient area.
The following templates are alternative resources for Grant Recipients and participants to complete, in cases where other forms of accepted evidence are unavailable.
For Grant Recipients to complete on behalf of one or more participants
This template is an alternative resource for Grant Recipients to collect information on one or more project participants from underrepresented groups, in cases where other forms of accepted evidence are unavailable.
For individual participants (or their parent/carer, as appropriate) to complete
This template is an alternative resource for participants, or their parent/carer if appropriate, to confirm that they meet the relevant criteria for underrepresented groups, in cases where other forms of accepted evidence are unavailable.