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Creating an inclusive and equitable environment

Group of staff from Taith holding a certificate
Taith has received the Silver Award in the Diverse Cymru Cultural Competence Certification Scheme. Walter Brooks, Programme Manager and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lead, Taith, tells us more.

At Taith, we’re committed to promoting an inclusive environment, which led us to participating in the Diverse Cymru Cultural Competence Certification Scheme.

This award-winning workplace development tool helps organisations implement good workplace practice, ensuring services are fair and equitable for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic people.

The Certification Scheme supports workplaces to ‘start a journey’ to explore commonly held unconscious bias and to develop their cultural competence.

To get certification, Taith needed to demonstrate its commitment to cultural awareness and evidence what we put in place to ensure that we are implementing good working practices.

Examples of this are our refreshed strategy, which focuses on encouraging participation from people from underrepresented groups – including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, ethnic minority backgrounds, Disabled people and people with additional learning needs.

All Taith staff have also attended several training sessions to help us evaluate and have open discussions about race and how to support anti-racist policies and procedures. This learning and awareness will ensure that every individual we engage with is treated with respect and feels valued.

This process was not only enlightening but also impactful. It encouraged us to reflect on our progress in relation to cultural competency and opened conversations about further steps we can take. We recognise that anti-racism is an ongoing journey, and we’re dedicated to continuing this work to create a more inclusive and equitable environment.

Find out more about Diverse Cymru’s Cultural Competency Scheme Award winners for 2024

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