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Taith is launching a Small Grants scheme

Small Grant Scheme graphic showing money symbols

Taith is now in its 3rd year, and it has been incredibly inspiring to see the positive impact our funding is having on learners and staff throughout Wales.  Our mission is to fund inclusive and accessible international educational exchange opportunities for learners and staff across Wales, whilst also providing opportunities for international learners and staff to visit Welsh partners.  One of the core elements of this mission is to ensure that we are removing any additional barriers to participation for those who support and work with people from underrepresented groups.  This includes those from disadvantaged backgrounds, ethnic minority backgrounds, Disabled people and people with additional learning needs.

Taith recognises that smaller, less well-resourced organisations can, and do, deliver hugely impactful and lifechanging mobility opportunities.  However, many of these organisations have less time and resource to complete the current ‘one size fits all’ application process and often have less experience of applying for grants. It is clear that for some, the current application process is too time-consuming and onerous, particularly for organisations applying for lower levels of funding.


As a result, Taith is launching its new Small Grant scheme.  For Pathway 1 2025 applying organisations can apply for up to £60,000 within this new scheme. For those wishing to apply for more than £60,000 (up to the maximum available per sector) they can do so via the Large Grant scheme.  Applying organisations can apply for only one option in each funding call.  The Small Grants scheme has a shorter and simpler application form with fewer questions for the applicant to complete and, if successful, there are fewer requirements with regards to the management of the project.

In addition to the introduction of the Small Grants scheme, we are also pleased to announce that the Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA) will be supporting those looking to apply through the Small Grants scheme who haven’t previously received Taith funding.  They will support applicants from Schools, Youth and Adult Education Sectors.  This support will include providing in person and virtual one-to-one engagement, as well as application support.  Their involvement provides an opportunity for applicants to get tailored support to help develop project ideas, plan the project lifecycle and complete the application form.

If you feel you could benefit from discussing a possible Small Grants scheme Taith project with the WCIA, then please contact us at Taith via

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