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Taith Pathway 1 - Mobility of participants - 2025

Higher Education Version 1.0, Jan 2025


Accompanying person
An adult (including, but not limited to members of staff from your organisation or consortium partner), who accompanies learners on a group mobility and facilitates the learning. For groups with learners under 18 / vulnerable adults, the accompanying person will need to accompany the travel as well.
Additional Funding
Extra financial support which can be applied for once you start a Taith funded project. It is there to remove the majority of financial barriers for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, Disabled people and people with additional learning needs.
Application deadline
The final date and time by which you must submit all application forms to Taith for assessment.
Two or more eligible Welsh organisations working collaboratively to develop and deliver a project.
Eligible costs
The amount of grant related to the delivery of project activities.
Financial capacity
Taith will take into account the amount requested and consider if the governance and financial arrangements within your organisation are sufficient to manage the grant. More information can be found in the eligibility guidance document on the website.
Formal learning
Any learning that takes place during an organised or structured learning programme.
Funding call
The period of time during which applications for funding can be submitted.
The funding awarded by Taith to a successful organisation.
Grant Agreement
The written agreement between Taith and the Grant Recipient detailing the terms and conditions of the grant award in line with the application form which will have been assessed independently to be fundable and approved for funding by International Learning Exchange Programme Limited.
Grant rates
Fixed rates that are available for different eligible costs.
Grant Recipient
When approved for project funding, the applying organisation becomes a Grant Recipient and is responsible for signing the Grant Agreement.
Grant Recipients
When approved for project funding, the applying organisation becomes a Grant Recipient and is responsible for signing the Grant Agreement.
Green travel
Sustainable means of transport, i.e. travel that uses a low emission means of transport for the entirety of the journey. For example: bus, train or car-sharing.
Informal learning
Learning that takes place outside of organised or structured learning programmes and no learning support is present. Sometimes referred to as experiential or incidental learning.
Inward mobility
Participants from eligible international partner organisations who come to Wales to participate in a Taith funded activity.
In the context of Taith, any country outside the United Kingdom and the Crown Dependencies.
International exchange
The exchange of learning between an individual or group of people from Wales, and an individual or group of people from another country.
An individual engaged in formal, informal or non-formal learning with an eligible organisation. Each sector has specific criteria. Eligibility criteria varies between each sector.
A period learning overseas. A UK mobility is permitted as part of an introductory mobility – see section 4.3 for details.
Non-formal learning
Learning that takes place outside of any organised or structured learning programme, but some learning support is present.
Operational capacity
It is important for Taith to have assurance that you have the capacity and ability to effectively manage funding that you have been awarded and checks will be made on elements such as your organisational policies, procedures, governance and your organisational status. More information can be found in the eligibility guidance document on the website.
Outward mobility
Participants from eligible organisations in Wales participating in Taith supported activities at international partner organisations outside the UK.
Physical mobility
Moving physically to a country other than the country of residence to participate in project activity and/or formal, non-formal or informal learning opportunity.
An individual undertaking physical or virtual international mobility in a Taith funded project.
The planned mobilities and activities that the Grant Recipient has been approved for funding by Taith. The project is to be finished over an agreed period of time and intended to achieve a particular purpose.
A person employed by, or working for an eligible organisation, whether on a professional or voluntary basis.
A funding contribution available for living expenses, which can include accommodation, food and local transportation, whilst on a physical mobility.
Underrepresented group
Those traditionally underrepresented in international exchange – people from disadvantaged backgrounds, people from ethnic minority backgrounds, Disabled people and people with additional learning needs.
Underrepresented groups
Those traditionally underrepresented in international exchange – people from disadvantaged backgrounds, people from ethnic minority backgrounds, Disabled people and people with additional learning needs.
Unit Cost
A set amount of funding provided to contribute towards a cost. Unit cost funding is available for travel, subsistence and organisational support.
Virtual exchanges
Participation in wholly online project activity and/or formal, non-formal or informal learning opportunity, whereby participants engage in learning opportunities using online platforms or learning tools and in collaboration with at least one organisation in another country.