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Taith Pathway 1 - Mobility of participants - 2025

Youth Version 1.0, Jan 2025

7. What happens if your application is successful

Young people sitting in an auditorium with their musical instruments smiling at the camera

If you are successful in receiving funding, you will become a Grant Recipient.  You can find information on what happens if your application is successful on our website here.  To help you understand what to consider before applying for funding, we have put below a brief summary of some of the things you will need to do as part of your project management plans. The Taith team is always available to provide support to Grant Recipients on the day-to-day management of their Taith projects through webinars and one-to-one support.

7.1. Project Management

7.1.1 Selecting participants

Grant Recipients are responsible for selecting participants for mobilities. The selection process must be transparent, coherent, fair, and documented. Participants must meet the eligibility criteria set out in this Pathway 1 Guide, section 4.3.

7.1.2 Paying participants

Grant Recipients are responsible for paying a grant for travel and subsistence to their participants. Grants can either be paid to participants directly, or travel and accommodation can be booked on their behalf. Grant recipients must ensure that participants always receive their full financial entitlement (the full unit cost).

7.1.3 Third Party Providers

Grant Recipients may use the services of third-party providers to support the project with planning and logistics. All agreements with third-party providers must ensure that each participant will still receive their full financial entitlement for travel and subsistence, either by direct payment by the Grant Recipient or payments on their behalf. Any Taith funding given to a third party provider which is not used wholly for the participants’ travel and subsistence, e.g. staff costs, operational costs or overheads must come from organisational support funding; travel and/or subsistence rates cannot be used for this purpose. Grant Recipients must receive written assurance of this from any third party provider with whom they work. Taith may ask for evidence of this as part of an audit.

7.2. Additional funding

Once successful and in the process of planning projects, grant recipients can apply for additional funding for the following:

Graphic to show a hand held out with a money symbol sat on top of the palm. There is an arrow going out from the money symbol to represent money leaving the hand.
  • green travel
  • exceptional costs (including Travel to a UK Transport hub – learner participants only)
  • inclusion costs (100% of eligible inclusion costs for participants with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and/or disabilities, 100% of actual costs for eligible additional travel related costs e.g., visas, passports, travel insurance, luggage (where necessary) for participants from disadvantaged backgrounds)
  • organisations will receive an additional £25 organisational support funding per participant from an underrepresented group. This is claimed at the final reporting stage for each underrepresented participant reported

You can find more information about additional funding in section 5.4.

7.3. Reporting

All Grant Recipients will be required to report on their Taith projects. Details of the reporting requirements will be provided within your grant agreement letter and schedules. As a minimum, there will be a live reporting document for you to record all mobilities once they have taken place, as well as interim and final reports.

There will also be a requirement for grant recipients to have an introductory meeting with the Taith team and attend other meetings with Taith throughout their project duration.

Taith participants are required to complete a survey following their mobility to provide feedback on their experience. We will send the survey links out to you to forward on to your participants. If online surveys are not suitable for your participants, we have a range of other options to enable them to provide feedback.

7.4. Certificates of Expenditure

All Grant Recipients who receive Grant awards in excess of £60K must complete the certificate statement.  This must be completed by an independent accountant or external auditor and will incur a cost. A Grant Recipient’s organisational support costs can cover this cost.