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Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee (ARAC)

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The ARAC oversees the implementation of the Audit and Assurance framework which Taith ensures that organisations funded through the programme deliver expected outcomes.

It reviews the extent to which ongoing and completed projects funded by Taith has met its objectives and provides leadership for the risk management agenda.

Its remit is to provide assurance to the ILEP Ltd Board that reasonably foreseeable risks, both strategic and operational, are being identified proactively and managed appropriately.

The ARAC meets regularly and the summary of minutes are published at the end of this page.

Piet Van Hove - Llywydd yr EAIE ac Uwch Gynghorydd Polisi Rhyngwladoli ym Mhrifysgol Antwerp

Piet Van Hove

President of the EAIE and Senior Policy Advisor for Internationalisation at the University of Antwerp

Piet Van Hove is the President (2022-24) of the European Association for International Education ( and Senior Policy Advisor for Internationalisation at the University of Antwerp, where he previously studied Law. He has been active in internationalisation of higher education since 1995, dealing with university-wide policy formulation and execution on different aspects of internationalisation, including student and staff mobility, development cooperation, services for international staff and students, international educational projects and strategic networking. Piet has been active in the leadership of several professional associations and nonprofits at the national and international level for many years, such as Flanders Knowledge Area, the Academic Cooperation Association, the NGO APOPO and the EAIE. He presents frequently on a wide range of topics related to internationalisation of higher education.

Darren Xiberras - Prif Swyddog Ariannol, Prifysgol Caerdydd

Darren Xiberras

Chief Financial Officer, Cardiff University

Darren Xiberras is currently Chief Financial Officer of Cardiff University and a member of the University Executive Board. He oversees all aspects of the University’s finances and financial performance. Prior to joining Cardiff University, Darren was Chief Finance Officer at the University of South Wales having joined them in 2019. Immediately before that, he held the same role for the education charity Teach First where he also oversaw the Human Resources (HR), property and IT functions. Prior to Teach First, Darren was Finance Director of ENGIE (formerly GDF Suez) UK’s £350m turnover public sector division, delivering property services to a multitude of blue-chip public sector clients across the UK. Darren has also been Director of Corporate Services for a national UK charity and held the role of Group Finance Director for an Alternative Investment Market (AIM) listed PLC delivering services to the public sector. He trained as an accountant with South Wales Electricity PLC. Darren currently holds the chair for the Welsh Higher Education Finance Directors’ Group (WHEFDG) and sits on the Executive Committee for the British Universities’ Finance Directors’ Group (BUFDG). Darren is a Trustee of the Difference Education Limited which works to reduce exclusion from mainstream schooling. He is also a Board member of the National Citizen Service and is chair of their audit and risk committee.

ARAC minutes

11th December 2023 ARAC minutes (summary)

20th March 2024 ARAC minutes (summary)

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