4. Eligibility
This section includes all the information on eligible organisations, mobilities, durations, participants and costs for the Schools sector. Information about other sectors can be found in the relevant sector’s Pathway 1 Guide.
4.1. Project duration
Eligible project durations you can choose from are:
- 12 months
- 18 months
- 24 months
Please ensure you understand the visa requirements of the country(ies) to which you plan to send your participants and allow sufficient time for the visa application process (where relevant).
Taith is unable to provide advice on visas or provide support with visa applications.
4.2. Eligible organisations
Organisations can only submit one application per sector per Pathway funding call. You should ensure that multiple applications to the same Pathway funding call are not submitted by different parties in the same organisation. Organisations which work across more than one sector can submit one application per sector if they meet the eligibility criteria for those sectors.
Organisations can apply individually or as part of a Consortium (group) of organisations. All organisations involved in the consortium must meet the eligibility criteria shown below.
Individual participants are not eligible to apply directly to Taith.
4.2.1 Organisations who can apply for Taith (Schools sector):
- any school funded or maintained by a local authority and registered in, and operating from, Wales, providing general or vocational education to pupils aged 4 – 19 years and inspected by ESTYN
- any not-for-profit independent school where all pupils are admitted via referral by a local authority, social worker, or relevant charity, and which operates in Wales, providing education to children and young people aged 4 – 19
- any of the 22 Welsh local authorities
- any of the 4 Regional Education Consortia
- a consortium which comprises a single lead organisation applying on behalf of two or more organisations in the field of school education. The consortium must include at least one named school, funded and maintained by a local authority and registered in, and operating from, Wales, and may also include local or regional authorities, school coordinating bodies or a social enterprise or other organisations with a role in the field of school education. All members of the consortium must be regulated or registered in, and operating from, Wales, and any schools in the consortium must be funded or maintained by a local authority and registered in, and operating from, Wales. Consortium partners must be agreed and named at the point of application, and it is not permitted for the lead organisation to charge a fee to consortium partners for inclusion in the bid
Applying organisations must have demonstrable, recent experience of delivering activity within the sector to which they are applying.
For-profit organisations and sole traders are not eligible to apply or be named as consortium partners. You should refer to the Taith eligibility guidance to confirm if your organisation satisfies the eligibility requirement that it does not operate for profit.
We’re always happy to help advise if you would be eligible for funding. If you’re not sure and you want to check your sector eligibility, please contact us at enquiries@taith.wales
4.2.2 International organisations your project can partner with:
Your organisation can generally send participants to the following international organisations outside of the UK and the Crown Dependencies. (Where introductory group mobilities are necessary, your organisation can send participants to organisations in Wales and the rest of the UK):
- school(s) providing general education at pre-primary, primary or secondary level, recognised and regulated by competent authorities of the country within which the school is registered
- any public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training and youth
Orphanages are not eligible international partner organisations.
4.3. Eligible mobilities, participants, and the funding we can provide
If your organisation is eligible to receive funding, then it’s important that you check that the people you want to send on a mobility are also eligible. There are different requirements for different mobilities so please check the relevant options available. The participant eligibility details assume your organisation is eligible to receive funding within this sector. If you are unsure whether your organisation or participants are eligible, please contact us at enquiries@taith.wales. At least 25% of learners or young people taking part in the planned project must be from underrepresented groups and you will be expected to demonstrate that you will meet this target within your application.
If learners or young people aren’t participating in the project, you will need to explain why this is not possible and how your proposed project will create immediate and lasting benefits for learners or young people, in particular those from underrepresented groups.
Grant rates and eligible cost can be found in section 5.
Please note that Taith funding is a contribution towards the costs associated with going on an international learning exchange.
Group Mobilities
Group mobilities: Minimum 3 days – maximum 4 weeks.UK based introductory group mobilities: Minimum 3 days – maximum 5 days.
A group mobility is an opportunity for groups of at least 3 learners to experience an international learning exchange, accompanied by staff who can support them and guide the learning experience.
Teachers or other qualified staff from the school must accompany the learners for the entire duration of the activity. Planned activities must have clearly defined learning outcomes. Learning can be formal, informal or non-formal, but must involve exchange and collaboration with peers from an international partner organisation, enabling learners to develop skills, competencies, intercultural awareness and understanding.
Mobilities which do not involve exchange with peers from another country/ies are not eligible for funding.
Introductory group mobility: These are short UK based introductory mobilities which are possible as part of a progression to an international mobility, where applying organisations feel that an international mobility would otherwise not be achievable. Applications for funding which include introductory group mobilities, must also include an international group mobility for the same intended participants. You should explain in the application why a UK based introductory mobility is essential to enable your learners to take part in an international mobility opportunity.
Introductory mobilities are only eligible for learner group mobilities.
Eligible costs
Funding available from Pathway 1 (Learners and accompanying persons):
Detailed information on eligible costs and grant rates can be found in section 5.
- a subsistence grant (for accommodation, food and any other costs when you are at your international destination)
- a travel grant
- 100% of actual costs for additional travel related costs for participants from disadvantaged backgrounds (you can apply for this once your project has started)
- 100% of actual identified inclusion costs for Disabled people and people with additional learning needs (you can apply for this once your project has started)
- organisational support grant for each outward (and inward) participant
Eligible participants
All pupils aged 4 – 19, enrolled at a school in Wales as defined in the organisations who can apply for Taith section. A group mobility should consist of at least 3 learners.
Accompanying persons:
- Learners must be accompanied by staff employed by the school – teaching or non-teaching. If needed, other adults approved by the school may also act as accompanying persons to support the accompanying school staff.
4.3.2 Staff Activities:
All staff mobilities should create immediate and lasting benefits for learners, particularly those from underrepresented groups. You are expected to provide details on how this will be achieved under ‘Objective 1- Ensure Exchanges Provide the Greatest Impact’ of the Pathway 1 assessment criteria.
Job Shadowing and Placements
Job shadowing: A minimum of 2 days – a maximum of 8 weeks.Placements: A minimum of 2 days – a maximum of 48 weeks.
Job shadowing will involve mobility opportunities for teaching and non-teaching staff, school leaders and other experts working in school education to undergo a job shadowing mobility to observe best practice, participate in knowledge exchange, support career development and to support practitioners to realise Curriculum for Wales in their schools.
Placement mobilities are an opportunity for qualified teachers to spend a period of time teaching learners at a partner school abroad. Placements may include providing training for the development of the partner organisation.
Placements and job shadowing may be combined during a single period abroad.
Eligible costs
Funding available from Pathway 1 (Staff):
Detailed information on eligible costs and grant rates can be found in section 5.
- a subsistence grant (for accommodation, food and any other costs when you are at your international destination)
- a travel grant
- 100% of actual costs for additional travel related costs for participants from disadvantaged backgrounds (this can be applied for once your project has started)
- 100% of actual identified inclusion costs for Disabled people and people with additional learning needs (this can be applied for once your project has started)
- organisational support grant for each outward (and inward) participant
Eligible participants
For teaching placements: Qualified teaching staff or school leaders holding a contract of employment with an eligible school.
For job shadowing: Teaching and non-teaching staff, school leaders and other experts working in the field of school education in Wales (for example staff working for an education consortium or local authority).
Consortium projects: Staff from all consortium partner organisations can take part in staff mobilities as long as they are involved in the direct delivery or management of School Education. Staff from applying organisations who are solely responsible for organising mobilities on behalf of their consortium partners are not eligible participants.
4.4. Inward Mobility
You may apply for an additional 30% of the funding requested for outward mobility activities to bring people into Wales. Information on international partner organisations can be found in section 4.2.2.
Eligible participants:
- learners aged 4 – 19 enrolled and registered at an eligible school, recognised by the relevant national competent authorities of the country within which the school is registered
Staff :
- for teaching placements: All staff with an active teaching contract with the eligible sending organisation
- for all other activities: All staff with an active contract of employment with the eligible sending organisation
Eligible mobilities:
All mobilities defined as eligible outward mobilities are also eligible for inward mobility. All restrictions and requirements are the same for inward mobilities as for outward mobilities.
Eligible costs and payments:
Inward mobility participants are eligible to receive grant funding for travel and subsistence for their mobility to Wales. The applying organisation in Wales, as the Taith Grant Recipient, will receive an organisational support grant for every inward participant to Wales. Funding for inward mobility activities will be paid to the Welsh applying organisation to distribute to the international partner organisation.
The applying organisation in Wales, as the Taith Grant Recipient and host of the inward participants, will be expected to clearly communicate the terms of any contributions to be made and to specify the amount of financial support allocated to the inward participant(s).
Inward mobility participants will receive Group 1 subsistence rates, and a travel grant at the same level as the rates for the equivalent outward mobility. Payments to an inward participant may not exceed the equivalent grant rate of an outward participant from Wales to a Group 1 country for the same duration and type of mobility activity.