4. Applying for Pathway 2

4.1. Timelines
3rd October 2024: Opening of Pathway 2 (2024) funding call.
21st November 2024, 12pm: Application deadline. Applications received after this deadline will not be assessed.
March 2025: Outcome notifications will be sent to all applying organisations.
1st May 2025: Projects can commence.
4.2. Before you apply
There are a couple of steps we recommend you take before starting an application:
- Check to make sure your organisation is eligible to apply. Organisation eligibility for each sector can be found in section 2.1
- Read through this guide thoroughly, and make sure that Pathway 2 is the right fit for your organisation and planned project.
- Verify that your organisation has sufficient financial and operational capacity (Guidance for Schools, Colleges and Local Authorities is here, guidance for all other organisations here)
- Read through the Pathway 2 application support document – this has all the qualitative questions you will need to answer as part of the application, together with some additional supporting information
- Have a look at the assessment criteria. Your application will be assessed against these criteria, so make sure you have addressed each one in your answers to the questions
- Join our support webinars and/or watch the pre recordings via our website
- Please do get in touch with the Taith team (enquiries@taith.wales) if you have any questions, we are always very happy to help!
4.3. Completing an application
To apply for funding for Pathway 2, organisations must use the Pathway 2 application form and grant calculator which can be found on the Taith website.
The application form asks for narrative responses to a range of questions including a project summary, details of the planned activities and project output, how the learning will be disseminated, project and financial management, and how and why international partners have been selected. The questions, together with some supporting information, can be found here.
Applying organisations will also be required to complete a grant calculator, which will calculate the total grant requested based on the various activities applied for. The maximum amount you can apply for per project is £60,000. Applying organisations will need to request reciprocal funding for international partner activities in the grant calculator. Funding for international partners is up to 30% of the total grant requested.
Organisations can only submit one application per sector per Pathway funding call. Applicants should ensure that multiple applications to the same Pathway funding call are not submitted by different parties in the same organisation.
We will hold a range of webinars to provide advice and support for potential applicants on the application process and grant calculator. You can sign up to these sessions on the Taith website. If you want to have a 1-1 chat with a member of the team please get in touch on enquiries@taith.wales.